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before - chapter 6

the first kiss

"Harry!! Harry please open the door!" The voice is so loud, breaking through my sleep. Am I dreaming?

I jump out of my bed, confused and panicked as the knob on my door jingles. Fists pound against the door agian.

"Harry!" She screams again. Is that..

I unlock the door and yank it open. Tessa's standing there her face flushed in horror and her eyes wild with fear. The hair on my neck stands and I go into instant defense mode.

"Tess," I wipe my eyes for clarity.

"Harry, please can I come in? This guy.." Tessa looks back down the hallway and I step outside of my room. Neil is standing walking toward her, his eyes bloodshot and his shirt stained. He's disgusting. Why is she running from him? Did he..

His eyes meet mine and he stops immediately. If he knows what's good for him he will turn the fuck around and walk away. If not, Tessa might be in for a show.

"Do you know him?" She asks, her voice cracks at the end and I feel my hands shaking at my sides.

"Yes. Now get inside." I lead her into my room and sit down on my bed. Her gray eyes watch me intensely and I rub my eyes again. "Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah," she begins, "I'm sorry for coming here and waking up." Tessa's words come out fast and shaky. She's saying sorry for waking me up?

I run my hand over my hair, pushing it back from my forehead. "Don't worry about it." I notice the way her hands, like mine, are shaking. "Did he touch you?" Murderous ideas float through my mind. No one would miss Neil, that's for sure.

"No, he tried though." She hestitates, "I was stupid enough to lock myself in a room with a drunk stranger so I suppose it's my fault."

Her fault? What the fuck?

"It's not your fault that he did that. You aren't used to this type of.. situation." I try to keep my voice calm and not frighten her further. Tessa walks toward me and I pat empty spot next to me on the bed. She sits down and places her hands in her lap.

"I have no plans on getting used to it. this really is the last time I'm coming here, or to any parties for that matter. I don't know why I even tried. And that guy, he was just so.." she shivers and tears fall down her cheeks.

"Don't cry, Tess." I whisper to her and bring my hand to her cheek. My thumb catches the wer tears as they fall and she sniffles, it's such a vulnerable sound and I try to look away from her, but can't.

"I hadn't notice how gray your eyes are," I confess. I haven't paid much attention to the details of her until now. I was too busy, too shallow.

My hand still rests on her cheek and she's still staring at me, full lips parted. I bring my metal lip ring between my teeth and tug on it the way I always do. Her eyes are glued to my mount and just as I pull my hand away she leans closer, pressing her mouth against mine.


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