Chapter 6

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*Kurt's POV*

I am awoken with a gentle tap on my door, before seeing my dad walk in, holding my letter in his hand.

I gulp and sit up, mentally preparing myself for the discussion that's coming.

I look into my dad's eyes and see that they're brimming with tears. I look at him for a second, before flinging myself at him and crying silently as he wraps his arms around me.

And just for a minute, as he holds me tight, I feel like everything's going to be okay.

He releases me gives me a sad, watery smile.

"So... I read your letter. I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that and we're going to help you, okay?" I nod my head, feeling so lucky to have such an amazing and caring dad.

"You're not going back to McKinley," He says, completely serious now. I nod again.

"I found a school in Westerville, It's called Dalton Academy and I know it's a few hours away, so you'll have to board there. It has a zero tolerance bullying policy and they take it very seriously- it's enforced. Now I'm gonna miss you bud, but it's for the best, okay?"

I'm dumbstruck. I can't believe he's making such a big effort for me.

Great now I'm being a bother again. All I seem to do is cause trouble.

I nod once more, it's pretty much my only form of communication now.

"Great! Now unfortunately your transfer papers aren't official until Friday, so you're gonna need to go to school tomorrow. But I promise after that, you're free. I already spoke to Finn and he's gonna keep an eye on you, and make sure those bullies don't cause anymore trouble. It'll be good to say goodbye to your friends anyway."

I hug him once more, just to show my gratitude, and he gives a weak chuckle, before letting go.

"Alright you better get to sleep, you're gonna need to do a hell of a lot of packing tomorrow."

I smile at him as he leaves the room.

"Goodnight, Kurt. Hang in there kiddo."

And with that, I fall asleep.


*Santana's POV* (oooh fancy)

I walk into school, my pinkie intertwined with Brit's.

The first thing I notice is that it's lunch. Okay, so we may be a little late to school, but that's besides the point. We were just...busy.

We head to the cafeteria and I'm surprised to see Lady Hummel there, since no one's seen him at lunch for a while.

I grab some food and sit down between him and Frankenteen and he gives me a strange look.

"What?" I ask. He shakes his head, dismissing it, and that's when I notice his hat.

It's not like I've never seen him wearing a hat, it's just that usually it's some sort of fancy top hat or bowler hat, but today it's a plain black beanie, pulled right down over his ears. I doesn't look weird or anything but for Lady Hummel that's about as strange as it gets.

I've noticed his outfits getting decreasingly fancy, but this is a whole new low.

"What's with the hat?" I ask. He doesn't look at me, but shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

I look over to Frankenteen who gives me a look as if to say, Don't push it.

I ignore him and reach for the beanie, just to mess with him, but he suddenly jumps back looking defensive before running off pulling his hay further down his head.

"What the hell was that for?" Finn shouts glaring at me.

"Why are you being so defensive of him? It's just a hat!" Now I'm starting to get really suspicious.

Finn sighs, grabbing his bag and leaving, probably off to find Kur- I mean Lady Hummel.

I don't pay much attention in any classes today. Instead I think about the whole hat incident, from lunch and try to figure out what Hummel's hiding.

I finally come to the conclusion that he must have gotten a pretty bad haircut, or something embarrassing, but I plan to snatch his hat off, because I'm nosy like that (and probably get a few good laughs, too). It's not mean, it's just entertaining!

As I walk to glee club I notice Lady Hummel's just in front of me. I'm debating whether I should pull his hat off in front of the whole glee club, but I'm not that mean. I take my chance just as he's about to enter and swoop it off, grinning evilly.

His reaction is delayed, as he gasps, then spins around to face me, covering the right side of his head with his hand.

I quickly notice that it's not his hair that's the problem. As realisation dawns on me my grin rapidly fades. I'm not an idiot, I can read people like a book, and I can tell exactly what happened.

Before he has time to protest or run away, I pull him into a tight hug, tears pricking my eyes. He hesitantly wraps his too-skinny arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder. I know I would do anything to protect him.

It's a heart-warming moment before Puck opens the door, telling us to stop making out and get our asses in.

Kurt quickly snatches his beanie back from me and places it firmly on his head, before anyone else sees. We enter the choir room and I take my seat, while Kurt remains at the front, joined by Finn, who clears his throat.

"Today, I am sad to say, will be Kurt's last day at McKinley, and therefore, New Directions too." Everyone looked at him as if he was some sort alien or something, so I stepped in.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?"

Kurt sighed sadly, seeming to find his shoes very interesting. Finn explained.

"Karofsky, Azimio and a couple of the other jocks have been giving Kurt a hard time, beating him up, insulting him and stuff. We thought it would be safer if he transferred. He's going to Dalton in Westerville. He'll be boarding there, starting Monday, so say all your 'goodbyes' now."

I knew there was more to the story, I saw Kurt's injury, but I was going to keep his secret.

Mercedes was the first to move, embracing Kurt in a warm hug. One by one everyone joined in.

Most people were in tears but they knew it was for the best. When we broke apart, the rest of the lesson was spent saying goodbye to Kurt individually and wishing him all the best.

As glee club was nearing the end for the day, Kurt and Finn excused themselves as Kurt needed to start packing. To his luck nobody seemed to question his hat.

Just as they were about to leave, Kurt spoke for the first time in weeks.

"Goodbye," he said, voice croaky from not being used. He gave a weak smile before turning away and heading out of school, one last time.

I would never admit it but I was the saddest to see the little twink go.

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