Chapter 11

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*Blaine's POV*

"I love you too."

I couldn't believe it. Kurt Hummel spoke to me. He said actual words to me.

His voice was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. It was so soft and gentle, surprisingly high pitched, but not in a squeaky way- it just made his voice all the more hypnotic.

I burst out laughing, tears of joy overflowing from my eyes.

"You have the most beautiful voice," I say to him, and he flushes a light scarlet.

"Say something else. Anything. Just let me hear your voice again." I could see a small smile on his face, as I gave him my best puppy eyes. He giggled- the sound was mesmerising.

"Hello Blaine Anderson, I'm Kurt Hummel. Pleased to meet you." He said, holding out his hand to shake as a joke. I laughed but couldn't help but stare. There was nothing like his voice.

I felt so privileged to finally know the real Kurt.

The Kurt without a hat.

The Kurt with a beautiful voice.

Now I could see him, in all his beauty, his gorgeous, un-styled chestnut hair went perfectly with his pale, porcelain-like skin and blue-green-grey eyes, that I could get lost in so easily.

I didn't even mind the bullet wound. I made a vow to myself to never let him have those feelings again. If anything, this small imperfection, made him all the more perfect.

I was, by far, the luckiest man on earth.


*Kurt's POV*

After that day with Blaine, I became more and more confident.

I felt I could talk to Blaine easily now, though I still didn't speak to other people. I just wasn't ready- not yet.

Thankfully, Mr. Green was fired the second the dean found us, and we got a much kinder, understanding teacher.

Blaine continued to coax me into eating more food, then making sure I kept it down. He also made sure I didn't over exercise, which I wasn't happy about at first, but he slowly started to convince me that I wasn't fat.

I found myself cutting less, and less. Blaine had found that out one day, while I was getting changed in the bathroom and he accidentally walked in on me.

He wasn't mad and didn't even try to take my razors away, knowing I could easily access more, and going cold turkey would only lead to a terrible relapse anyway.

I couldn't have asked for a more understanding boyfriend.

During a particularly heated, shirtless make out session, on my bed, the others came into the room.

Upon hearing them gasp, I jump away, trying to pull my shirt back on as fast as I could, before I realised... I wasn't wearing my hat.

Blaine was still frozen in shock, as I searched frantically for the black fabric, but I knew it was pointless. They had already seen it.

The wound was much less noticeable, but was still a cluster of dark red to white scars, that could easily be seen.

Nick was the first to run over to me, after I had managed to put my shirt back on, having given up looking for the beanie.

He wrapped his arms around me, then moved back, before pulling up his own sleeves, revealing similar small scars and one very long scar, going all the way up, from his wrist to his elbow. I could tell it had been very deep.

He had a look of understanding on his face and I hugged him tight again, crying in relief that someone understood, and knowing that I wasn't alone.

"Thank you," I whispered, barely audible, but I know he heard me, as he held me tighter, crying too.

Everyone else joined in, and soon the whole room was in tears.


At dinner, I tried my luck talking to them.

"So... I guess you know my secret now." Six heads snapped up, staring at me in disbelief, while Blaine and Nick looked at me like proud parents.

Sebastian was first to talk.

"He speaks!" He exclaimed, a look of pure delight on his face. Everyone burst out laughing.

"And for that matter," he continued, "yes we do. But don't you dare think, for even a second, that we think any less of you."

I smiled, my eyes filling up with happy tears.

"Thanks," I say. "You don't know how much that means to me."

Nobody else had time to say anything, because all of a sudden, the dining room doors slammed open, as an angry looking Hispanic girl, in a white and red cheerleading uniform storms into the room and struts up to our table.


"Porcelain." She replies.

She shares a quick introduction, as the group introduce themselves, before she looks back to me.

"What's this about you not being a Warbler?" I look down to my feet.

Please, God, no.

"You can sing?" Wes questions. Of course, being the head of the Warbler's council, he would want to know. I shake my head quickly, but Santana ignores it and before I can do anything, she's talking again.

"Can he sing? Can he sing?! Lady Hummel is one of the best singers I know, and not to mention, probably the only countertenor in the state of Ohio!"

"You're a countertenor?" Davis asks in disbelief. I just look down, as I feel a blush rise to my face.

"Here. There's a bunch of videos of him singing online," Santana takes out her phone.

"So what will it be? Mr. Cellophane? Defying Gravity? 4 Minutes? Oh! How about a little Single Ladies?"

At that I snatch for her phone, my face practically purple in embarrassment, but she pulls it back, tutting.

"If you don't want me to show these videos, then you have to audition, yourself."

I sigh, nodding slowly. I put my face in my hands and feel Blaine pull me into a hug.

I see Santana smirk at this, as she turns to leave, but not without saying,

"Oh and... Blaine, was it? If you like it... you should put a ring on it." Then she walks out, and I see Blaine go impossibly red. I cover my face in utter embarrassment, that had to be the cringiest thing Satan had ever said.

I laugh before asking, "so, when are auditions?"

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