chapter 1

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[y/n's pov]

As the outrageously loud puffs ceased, I glanced out the window of the hull, the door latch unhinging and letting the  entrance open. I drifted out into the open, cold and shadowed clearing around me.

Everything was either a deep dark purple or a bright neon yellow, the contrast causing my single eye to squint. I have been left with two options, explore or think about what has occurred so, so recently.

I decided on the later, figuring it was a better idea than crying constantly and having my mind fogged. I hovered back into my ship and sat on a bean bag located in my room.

Contemplation was severely more difficult than one would have thought, being left on the brink of tears many a time, not so pleasant. I glanced into the mirror beside me. My head was fluffy yet I had one massive white eye staring back and a (colour) fading into (gradient colour). I admit I'd appear quite decent if the floating tear drop limbs were not so odd. No matter though.

I levitated off of my beanbag and onwards to the kitchen, my hunger has grown substantially and I figured I could eat everything within my ship currently. Apon opening the fridge however I noticed a lack of anything edible. A few measly chips (crisps) and a single slab of bacon (single lettuce and tomato sandwich if you prefer).

Hesitantly I gripped the food with my severed claws, remembering I never saw a mouth on my head. I pondered then attempted to open whatever sort of 'mouth' I had. I closed my eye as I felt my entire head rise upwards. So it appears the space between my head and neck is my mouth. I wondered, before shoving the little source of energy into the odd mouth of mine.

The flavour seemed somewhat dimmed, almost as if I knew there was something better to sustain me, yet I could not figure it out. Not wasting anymore time I headed for the door. Apon departing my ship I glanced around again, deciding to investigate for any life or more importantly, food.

After what felt like years of hungered floating I sighted a strange pure purple hooded child, something about them both inviting me over yet warning me away. My mind intent of staying hidden allowed me to drift around the being unnoticed, gazing apon it I realised it had a single eye as I did, only yellow. I found it odd how it hadn't noticed my presence yet, in confusion I glanced down at my hands only to see I was almost completely invisible. Once taking note however, I began to become for opaque. In a quiet and quick panic I darted to a nearby tree and hid behind it. The strange child now alerted by the sound, glanced around and rushed along the dirt path between the trees, only to suddenly stop and turn around, as if waiting apon something.

As they say, curiosity killed the cat. I trailed the child silently, making a slight sound in the shrubbery again, alerting the being causing them to rush along the path again. As I followed this time however I noticed they had sighted me. A sigh escaped as I floated to the path, the child staring wide-eyed in shock before waving their hands Infront of them as if to warn me? How odd. I figured approaching the creature further until something came up from below me, all around me going dark swiftly. Feeling fabric beneath my claws, I scraped at it in panic, noting how it was strangely more sturdy than regular materials of such.

In the distance I heard thumping approaching, I ceased struggling swiftly and awaited whatever fate was headed my way.

I am so fucked...

[WOOOO 636 WORDS :D Ty for reading have a nice day/night, ik your probably reading this at night. Go to sleep child.]

spirits and marbles (snatcher X ghost reader) [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now