a month later

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One Month later. A kid named Desmond looks around as he is in the middle of a riot. Hes throwing stuff as people yell. "I CANT BREATHE!" As Desmond gets in a cops face and one of the cops punch him and then some rioters pull him back from attack him as the other rioters start to attack the police. As Desmond starts to laugh as his friends pull him back behind the metal barricades as the cops start to throw tear gas at them, as one flys next to Desmond, he looks around as his friends tell him to run. But he pulls his leg back and kicks it back at the cops and starts to run with his friends. He runs with them as cops start trying to surround the rioters, Desmond notices this and makes his friends run down an alley, as they run one of his friends Reily gets shot in the leg with a real bullet. As he falls to the ground. "No!" Desmond yells as his friend forces him to run and Desmond got pulled by his friend James. Desmond tears up as the run james kicks open a door to a store as they run in with a squad of cops behind them. James runs in the back of the store as Desmond vaults over the counter. As he runs in the back of  the store as Desmond kicks open the back door. As he runs out with james. James uses a ladder to climb to the top of a building, Desmond uses other methods to get up there. "James.. james.. JAMES!" He yells getting james attention. "Why'd you make me leave him..." james sighs.. "I knew he was already dead... didnt want to see you like tha-" James jumps as the cops yell as they had climbed up to the roof. As a police helicopter flies over them as well as the cops surround them. Desmond looks at James and puts his hands up. As the cops point guns at them. James does the same as someone jumps out of the Helicopter and lands doing a roll, he stands up in full spec ops gear. As he looks around, the cops jump and points the guns at him, as he punches one in the face then throws him off the roof as he runs and slides knocking another cop down and then he grabs one by the wrist and takes his gun shooting the cop in the face as he kicks another in the face and pushes two off the building again, one cop left, the cop falls on its knees.. shaking as he drops his gun, the spec ops guy walks over and kneels down looking the cop in the face, as he grabs him by the throat as the helicopter lands on the building as someone steps out of the helicopter in a long black coat and its... the anonymous leader. He looks at the spec ops guy and nods as he drops the cop. Anonymous pulls out a gun and shoots the cop in the head. He sighs as he looks at James and Desmond. He looks them up and down. He chuckles as he says. "They have potential..." he looks at spec ops guy. "What do you think." Spec ops guy nods. "They do.." Desmond stays strong as James is shaking with fear. As Anonymous leads them into the helicopter as Spec ops guy gets in as well.

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