Chapter 1: A Lovely Night

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I have never wrote a story on here before. Sorry if it's not good. Please forgive me. 

     I sat on the edge of the covered bridge, looking down to the water as it moved back and fourth. I wanted to jump, jump and forget the life I had. Leave and go where my mother and father were. Though I knew I couldn't. My mother would be furious in me. A clock in the distance started ringing. Four,five,six. The clock of St. Andrew's Church rang on last time, to tell me it was 7 O'clock.

     I stood from my seated postion and began to walk home. I didn't want to leave my favorite spot. The last place I had a full, normal conversation with my mother. Not a screaming fit. My long blonde hair kept getting stuck to my face. As I slowly lingered on home, a voice called my name. "Josephine!" I turned to where the voice came from to find my best friend Atley running towards me. 

     Atley was the only one who stuck through with me. She and I had been friends since 1st grade. She always said what was on her mind and never let it process. It made her seem different. No one ever was ever like her. Atley has medium length dark brown hair. Her chocolate brown eyes were always so much prettier than my blue ones. Everyone loved Atley. Everyone thought she could do nothing wrong. Though they had never really seen the true side of her. That fagile little girl more like a devil, but this was why she was my best friend, the one with me through the end.      

     "Guess what I got!" Her face could barley fit the smile that was upon her face. "Um. I don't know. A new pair of jean?" Not  in the mood to be doing guessing games, I didn't really try oto guess. "No. I got those yesterday. But it involves tickets in first class to London for graduation." Atley truly over did herself for our graduation present. Not like she cared. Her parents were the richest people in this little town of Tomah. 

     "Atley you know you didn't have to do that. It's only a graduation present, nothing more."  "No worries sweet heart, my parents thought it was a wonderful idea for us to get out of the states. I mean who would blame them London is a wonderful place and One Direction live there." Not again with One Direction. I mean they are all she ever talks about. "Atley I have to get home. Grams might be worring about be." I slowly stepped back one step at a time. "Josephine pack your bags 'cause we are leaving tomorrow." I stopped dead in my tracks. "Grams doesn't know that I'm leaving the country. You really think she is going to let me go?" Atley chuckled. "Girl I have that done. Grams knows that you are leaving tomorrow, and she also knows that the plane is at 8, so get packing and be ready by 6."

     I didn't really think much of what Atley said. London, London, my dream home, the way to forget my past. This was what i had always dreamed of. "Get going now. I don't want you to be late. Atley sauntered off in the other direction. I continued down Maple Street and turned onto General Lane. My grandmother's house was the odd ball on th street. Everyone else's house was big and beautiful, where my grandmother's looked like a little cottage. I loved this house though .I didn't care what others thought. 

     I gracefully climbed the steps to the door. Before I had even put a hand on the handle, the door swung open. "Josephine where have you been! You need to pack. I already have two suitecases out on your bed and a backpack for your carry-on items." Grams kinda seemd happy for me to be leaving, yet I thought that maybe she was glad that I got to visit my dream place. " Thanks grams." Slipping off my shoes and hurrying to my room to pack for the adventure of a lifetime, Grams called to me. "Dinner will be ready in 10, and wash your hands before you come to the table." Smiling to myself, I knew that this life couldn't get any better.

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