Chapter 2: What A Surprise

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 A/N: Sorry if anything is spelled wrong.. I'm not that good of a speller. I tried proof reading a found a couple mistakes,but if there is more, please forgive me! Also, the only reason I'm able to be updating so much is because I don't have school this whole week. Thank you school!But, One Direction will be in the next chapter. I'm just trying to get everyone's personality out and so you can meet the characters. :)

     "Josephine wake up. Atley will be here in 15 mintues and I don't think she will be happy if she finds you sleeping."

     This can't be real. I thought it was all a dream. Nothing made since. "Grams can't I sleep any longer?" I wasn't a morning person and Atley knew this. Why would she make me get up so early. "Fine. You can deal with Atley's wrath when she gets here." I shot up out of bed. Atley was not one to mess with.

     "Thought so." Grams walked out of the room and left me alone. 

     Good thing I showered last night, I so didn't have anytime to get ready. Both my suitecases could barley shut. Dang I never realiezed how much clothes weighed when I picked up the suitecases. My vision was blurred without my glasses on or my contacts in. When I finally found my glasses I noticed how horrid I looked. I put my hair into a messy bun and put only a little bit of mascara on. On my bed layed a pair of sweatpants and a hoddie for the plane ride.

     The smell of bacon stirred my stomach. I dragged my heavy suitescaes behind me as I walked to the kitchen.

     "Grams this smells really good."

     She smiled at me and replied. "Well this is your last home-made meal for the next month, I thought you would enjoy some bacon." I laughed. She knew how much I loved bacon. Just as I sat down the door flung open. "Josephine it is time to go!" Atley's voice was really loud. I had to cover my ear.

     "Atley dear use your inside voice." My grandmother said to her. "Sorry Grams." "Can I please at least finish my bacon?" I gave Atley a puppy-dog face, hoping that she would say yes. "Nope, but I will let you take it with you." I sighed. "Fine."

     Atley helped me take my suitescases out to her car. "Bye Grams, I will miss you." I hugged her and got into Atley's car. "Take care girls. I don't want the police to call me telling me to come and get you." Atley and I both laughed. She put the car into reverse and backed out of the driveway.

     "You ready for London?" She asked. "Kinda. I'm neverous I'm not going to like as much as I hope to." "You'll be fine, and maybe we'll see One Direction there." 'Oh not again with the One Direction!" Atley chuckled a little and the car became silent.

     After an hour of driving we finally made it to the airport. The airport wasn't busy, so we made it past secruity in a flash.

     "Flight 78 now boarding." As Atley and I walked over to the boarding area, I felt my stoamch get tight. I had always wanted to go to London, but I never though it would be this hard. I through my fears over my shoulder and continued on walking towards the plane.

     "Josephine I'm getting some sleep and you should to. It's going to be a long day ahead of us.

     Atley feel asleep as soon as the plane took off. I couldn't fall asleep though. I had so many thoughts running through my head. What if I embarass myself by saying something wrong? What if I get lost? What if I fall in public? All these 'what ifs' were running through my head. I pulled out my headphone and my phone and turned on some music. Breakeven by The Scripit came on and I slowly fell to sleep.

     "Josie wakey wakey."

     I felt nudging on my shoulder M eyes fluttered open. "We are here." As I stretched out my arms above my head I heard a thump. "Atley what did you do?" I turned around to see Atley picking up our backpacks that fell on the ground. "Sorry." I helped her pick the bags up and we walked out of the airplane.

     The airport was full of people and all of them talking in British accents. I always wanted a British accent. My American one was quite boring. "Over here Josephine." I followed Atley outside. London was beautiful! I had never seen a place quite so great. I was pulled out of my daydream by Atley yelling at me.

     "Get your ass into the cab now Josephine or else I'll make you walk to the hotel!" I quickly jogged over to the cab Atley was sticking her head out of. "To the Corinthia Hotel please." 

     The ride to the hotel wasn't that long. Once we got to hte hotel my mouth dropped. It was the most amazing hotel I had ever been to. "Fancy huh?"  Atley walked right past me and into through the hotel doors. I followed closely behind. "Room for Jackson." Atley looked at me and similed.

     "Your room is on the 4th floor, room 304C."

     We raced eachother to the elevators, or lifts as they call them in England. Once the lift made it to the 3rd floor I couldn't wait to see our room.

     "Open the door Atley!"

    "I'm trying. Calm yourself."

     When Atley opened the door both our mouths dropped. The room was beautiful. "I call bed by the window." I snapped Atley out of her amazment and rushed to the window. The view was just as beautiful as the room. 

     "Unpack your things we will be here for awhile."

     I did as I was commanded. "Atley this is really great. You didn't have to do all this for me." "Well Josie, not all is for you. I thought it would be fun and you could go to your dream city, and I could meet some hot British guys." I knew who those hot British guys were, though she only had her eyes set on Mr. Harry Styles.

     "You know we will never meet them right, and if we do he won't fall in love with you as you think. There are so many other girls out there."

     Atley glared at me. "Thanks. For all I did for you, you are just going to throw me on the side of the rode." Her faced turned bright red. "Atley I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying I don't want you to get your hopes set uo and only have your heart broken." 

     The redness fell from her face. "I understand and your right. There are other girls way prettier than me, and he likes older girls." "Hun, no one is prettier than you, and don't worry you'll find someone." We finished unpacking our things without saying a word.

     "So AJ you hungry?"

     "Josie you took the words out of my mouth." 

     We left the hotel and started walking around London. I kept thinking "This can't be real. This can't be real!"

     "How about we eat here." A Nando's stood infront of me. "Of course we would go here. Not like One Direction might show up or anything!"

     Atley punched me in the arm and stuck her tounge out at me like a little kid. We walked in and up to the cashier. "What would you girls like?" "Um. The Peri-Peri chicken please." And for you?" "I'd like the same thing please." 

     Atley led me back to a table near the front and by a window.

"How are you liking London?" Atley asked studying the people walking by.

"I've only been here for an hour so I don't really know."

     Our food came quickly and we munched away. It was really good, but Taco Bell was better. Boy was I going to miss that place. 

     I sat and waited for Atley to finish her food and as soon as she did we left. "Come on Atley I'm tired. It's been a long day and my back hurts. Can we go back to the hotel and do sightseeing tomorrow?" "Fine. But we have to go where I want to go. Deal?"


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