Chapter 3: Is This Real?

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A/N: I'm not from Britian so please excuse my lack of knowing half of what anybody there says. One Direction will be coming in during the last half of the chapter. Thanks!

    My head hurt and my body ached. Flying to a new country, not my favorite thing. My sleeping schedule was all jacked up. Not even 6 yet and I'm wide awake like I slept till noon. Rolling off my bed I grabbed a pair of underwear, a lace bra, a pale yellow t-shirt, and some dark wash skinny jeans. I picked up my clothes and headed towards my bathroom.

        Atley and I had separate rooms. Each of our rooms had a queen size bed, a 42" flat screen, a walk-in closet, and a huge bathroom. As I stepped into the bathroom, I slipped off my oversized t-shirt, my sweatpants, bra, and undies. I turned on the shower and stepped inside. The water was warm already and right to my standards. I shampooed my hair, shaved my legs and armpits, and washed off my body. After doing that I just stood in the shower contemplating life.

       A banging on the door brought me back to the present. "Josephine if you feel like having breakfast I'd get out of that damn shower now!"

       Oh shit. I forgot how light of a sleeper Atley was. The water running from the shower probably woke her up. She was up all last night trying to figure out if One Direction was in London or not. I quickly dryed my-self off and put my clothes on. I didn't do anything with my hair or my make-up. My hair dryed in pretty curls and I prefered the natural look.

        Atley was all ready in her white lace top, with a bandeau underneath, and yellow shorts on. "Good morning sunshine." I said in a cheery voice.

     "It's not a good morning. I stayed up all last night I didn't find anything about where One Direction was at." Atley slouched back in her seat and put on a little kid frown.

       "That means you get to spend the whole time with me not looking for boys!" Atley glared at me and I stuck my tounge out at her. "Come on. At least we get to go sight-seeing, and after maybe a little shopping?"

      "Ugh. Fine. As long as I get to pick the stores."

     I picked up my purse from the stool at the kitchen bar and waltzed out the door, leaving Atley behind me. We took the elevator down to the main floor and hailed a cab.

     "Where to?" The cabbie asked.

     "Where ever the best shopping place is."

     Nodding the cab pulled out and lead us down unfamilar rodes. After about a 20 minute drive we were taken to Oxford Street. Looking both left and right shops took up our view. "Wow!" 

    Atley got out first and paid the cabbie. "Thanks." I smiled and closed the door as I got out. "Where to first?"


     Not even three hours later my arms were full of bags from different shops. I relaxed on a couch while Atley was trying on dresses.

    "You find one yet?" She had already looked through half the store and couldn't find a single dress. Me on the other hand found a dress in 10 minutes.

    "I like the color of this one but the bottom itsn't me." I signed and knew that I had to go find another dress for Atley.

    As I searched through the racks I thought I finally found the perfect dress. Snatching it off the rack and dashing through the store some customers looked at me with odd facial expressions. They didn't know that I had been here for the last few hours dress shopping for the pickiest person alive.

     "Atley I think I found a dress!" Throwing it over the door of the dressing rooom, I heard a gasp on the other side.

    "Josephine this is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen." I grinned to myself knowing I had done the unimaginable.

     Atley strutted out of the dressing room looking more  gorgeous than I had ever seen her before. She owned that look.  The red silk dress hugged Atley's body like a glove, showing off all her curves. 

     We walked to the register to pay for the dress and finally leave.

     "AJ can we go to Starbucks?" 

    "You must have read my mind!"

     We walked across the street to the Starbucks.  The line wasn't long and we ordered our drinks. The barista called our names; we retreived our lattes and swiftly moved through the crowd of people starting to form. 

     "My arms hurt. We can go sight-seeing tomorrow." 

    "Okay mine do too." 

     "Atley do---"  My sentence was cut short as someone had bumped into me.

    "Oh my! Sorry love let me help you up." I didn't see the person's face that was helping me, I only cared that my coffee was dripping down my shirt.

   "Nah I'm good. I know how to stand." I looked up into the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. The guy before me had blondeish brown hair with a quiff.  Was I falling in love with a stranger I had never met?

    As I stood, I heard a sharp hiss in my ear. "Josephine you just bumped into One Direction and you're not letting them help you." 

    Once Atley said One Direction, I soon noticed. It was One Direction. The one I had bumped into was Niall. 

    "Would you like us to help with your bags?" Did One Direction just ask to help me. Wait why was I fangirling? This is not me. Atley was the big fan of One Direction. 

    "Um.. sure. Thanks." God this was perfect and it was only day one.

    "You are not from here are you?" Liam asked.

    "No we are just vistiting." Atley pointed out.

    "Tourist are you?" Harry grinned wiggling his eyebrows at Atley. Boy did he really think--. No Atley did not just blush.

    "Here lets get you a cab." Niall hailed a cab for us.

     Placing our bags in the back of the cab I smiled and nodded. One Direction was talking to me. 

     "Yeah we just arrived and don't  know any place around here." I said.

      Louis held out his hand indicating that I should give him my phone. After about 5 minutes he handed in back to me.  "Well if you want us to show you around just give a ring."  The boys had just finished stuffing our bags in the trunk of the cab. 

    Just as we were about to slid in Zayn stopped us. "Wait we forgot to catch your names!"

     I smiled and said, " I'm Josephine and this dumbfounded one over here is Atley." The boys laughed at my joke. 

    "Well I guess we'll see you guys later." 

    We shut the door to the cab and once it travelled a few blocks from where it orginially picked us up, we bothed looked at each other and silently screamed. 

    "We did not just meet One Direction."

    "And I got their numbers!" 

    This might be one great month after all.

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