Chapter 5: What Best Friends Are For

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 A/N: This week even though it is Christmas break, I don't know how much I'm going to be able to update. I have like 5 different Christmas parites, I'm going to my dad's (who I don't like that much), I have homework that I haven't done, and finally I have cheer practice 5 days this break. This leaves me little or no time to update. I will try my hardest to update, but I don't it will happen. Sorry guys...

The next morning I followed the same routine as before. Get out of bed, shower, get yelled at by Atley for waking her up, and then eat breakfast. My sleeping schedule has gotten a little better, but I’m still thrown off at the time change. At 9 I was finally ready for the day, accept the fact that I hadn’t had any breakfast yet. I still didn’t do anything thing with my hair, I liked air-dying it for the face it had some of the prettiest curls I had ever seen, not trying to brag or anything.

Today I had on a light blue top with a pair of white shorts. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone, so why take the time to get all fancy.

Atley made some eggs with bacon and it laid on the counter waiting to be eaten. She was one of the best cooks I had ever met. I on the other hand could burn water if I tried“You ready to go?” Atley asked me.

“Go where?” I looked around for a clock and spotted on the oven. It read 10:34. Where would we be going this early in the morning? If Atley could have it her way, she would be in bed till past noon.

“Well I thought we would go out to the park and take a walk and meet hot guys.” I knew she was sad about not being about to see One Direction till “next week”, but was she really that desperate to fall in love?

“Seriously Atley."  I blurted out frustrated.

 “Just because we don’t get to see the guys today doesn’t mean you get to go run off around London to meet guy!” I was practically yelling at her, my face filled with anger.

“Well that’s what I want to do. Either way it’s my turn to choose for the day on what we are doing.”

Two days in a row we have fought. Never do we do this. Maybe only once a year, but it’s usually over who get the last slice of pizza. I don’t know if I could take constant fighting with my best friend for a whole month.

“This is what I call sight-seeing. Take it or leave it.”

Atley stormed out of the room, not letting me answer. How was I supposed to take her out to lunch with her not wanting to talk to me? What was I going to say to her?

“Oh hey AJ, you know I was kidding about not seeing One Direction till tomorrow. We actually are going to see them right now. I’ll call a cab and you get ready. No need to be mad at me or chop my head off. I was just being friendly.”

Yeah, that wasn’t going to work. I needed to think of a plan and soon. It was already 10:02 right now. The boys would be done at 11, and Louis is to tell me where to meet them at. Given this situation, I better come up with a plan, and fast.

I plopped down on the couch on turned the T.V. on. Instead of watching the T.V. like normal people I buried myself deep in thought trying to come up with a plan. Each plan though seemed useless. I never thought making a plan was so hard. In movies they make it look so easy. One minute you are in trouble, the next you have a trapped set and everything. Like in Scooby-Doo. How does Fred do that? Like on each episode there is a villain and a new trap to be set. I can’t even think of one plan or trap to set.

I kept peering up to check the time. 10:23, 10:32, 10:44. Time flies by when you having fun, or when you are to create a plan. I caught myself staring at the T.V. There was a man blindfolding his date and taking her out to a fancy restaurant. “Maybe I could do that.” I accidently spoke aloud. This was what I was going to do. Yes a stupid plan, but it was all I could come up with. It should work. Atley is just as gullible as I am, and that’s pretty gullible.

I glanced to the clock on the stove and saw 11:14. Louis hadn’t texted me and I needed to know where we were going out to eat. As a horrible planner I was, I still thought of a horrible plan. My plan was to have Louis text me so I know where I was going to, blindfold Atley, put her in a cab, and then meet at the restaurant. I know a horrible plan, but still it was better than telling I was lying about not see One Direction. That plan would get me killed, and I haven’t had my first kiss yet. Okay, now I’m off topic. Focus Josephine, focus.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket. Hopefully this text is from Louis. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it.

~~Conversation With Louis~~

Louis: Meet us at Nando’s. It was Niall turn to choose. I forgot about that. He always chooses it.

Josephine: Okay. Thanks. What time do you want us to meet you there?

Louis: Um, I guess 12:15, if you can be there by that time.

Josephine: We will be able to make it there.

Louis: See you then.

Josephine: You too!

~~End of Conversation~~

My phone’s time read 11:30. I have to persuade Atley to get into a taxi and go to lunch. This was sure to be interesting.


“Hey Atley!”  I called through the hotel room. “Um, well, I, ah, I’m sorry about earlier and I thought maybe I could make it up to you.”

I awaited Atley’s reply in a long awkward silence. 

“Sure. But, I get to pick the restaurant.”

Okay maybe this was going to be a lot harder than planned.

“Atley I already have the reservations, and if you pick it, it wont be a surprise.”

I heard her footsteps come closer.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention she likes, wait no that’s an understatement, loves surprises.

“Yeah, but first you have to put on this blindfold.” I handed her a black piece of cloth.

“Where did you get this from?” Atley questioned pocking the blindfold.

“No questions just put it on.”

Atley slowly put it on so she didn’t mess up her hair.

“Hurry or we are going to be late!”

I had no idea where were going and it was already 11:50.

“Josephine where are you?” Atley walked around with her hands out in front of her. I laughed to myself and took a picture. There was no time to upload to any site.  I grabbed Atley’s hand and yanked her out of the room.

The elevator ride was quick and I hailed a cab quite quickly.

“Where to miss?” The cabbie asked with a thick British accent.

I leaned in close to the cabbie so Atley didn’t hear me.

“To Nando’s please.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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