Field trip

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You walk in your 3rd period class and sit next to peter. "Hello class I hope you turned in your permission slips to go to avengers tower today" the teachers says. Peter groans and puts his head on the table. "Come on Peter they don't NEED to see spiderman" you say " yea but they will want to and all flash is gonna say is where is spiderman and ultraviolet " Peter says. "Your right this isn't gonna go good" you say leaning on your hand. "Guys on the news it says ultraviolet is training with the avengers" flash says " and doesn't mia and peter know the avengers?? They can introduce us to her" flash says "what?!? No" you say "no that would be great" the teacher says. "Ok let's get on the bus" the teacher says.

The bus pulls up to avengers tower and you and Peter were picked to lead the tour. "Were do we go first??" Peter asks "combat room so that if if flash gets over my nerves a have a place to beat him" you say. You walk inside and lead them to the combat room where Nat and Steve were sparring . "This is the combat room were the avengers train and spar" you say. "Yea Peter and mia train here as well" Nat says you shoot her a look in confusion. "Mia Peter come out here" Steve says. You and Peter groan and walk out on to the mat. "Ready? Go!" Nat says. Peter jumps to the side dodging your punch he grabs your hand and flips you. Luckily you land on your feet you turn and kick Peter in the stomach making him it the wall. He basically jumps off the wall and kicks you. " ok that's enough " Nat says "I don't want you guys killing each other" she says "wow how much do you guys pay them to pretend to know you" flash calls out. You whisper something to Nat. "Flash come out here" Nat says flash walks out on the mat. You stand in front of him ready to kick him when Steve walks over to you. "Don't kill him" he says "I'm not promising anything" you say. " Ready ... Set... " Nat says you didn't wait for go. You ran at flash and do a spinning back kick and kick him in the stomach. He hits the wall and You grab him and basically throw him into the extra mats in the corner. "Go.." Nat says. Tony walks in and says " mia what did I say about taking your anger out on your classmates" "let's move on with the tour" Peter says. Nat helps flash out of the mats.

It's lunch time and everyone gets to have lunch with the avengers. Steve brings out pizza and soda. "Were spiderman and ultraviolet" flash asks " uh I will get her peter you get spiderman " you say you and Peter run upstairs and get into your suits. You pull your mask over your face and walk out. You turn the corner and run into peter. "Ready" he asks. " Yea" you say. You and Peter go downstairs but he swings down and you just run down. You sit down in your seat "hey? You guys wanted to see me" you say. Flash drops his pizza " are you really ultraviolet?!? " flash says spiderman stands above you and he puts his hands on your shoulders. "Yup i am" you say "prove it" flash says. Steve rolls up is sleeve and walks over to you "I wouldn't it hurts" Clint says. "It couldn't hurt that bad" Steve says. A blue glow forms at your finger tips. Flash and the class watches carefully. You touch Steve's arm he jumps back "ah that does hurt" he says. "I don't believe it" flash says you walk over to flash and touch his shoulder. He jumps and falls off his seat "holy shit that does hurt" he says.

After the field trip every one goes home. You and Peter fall on the couch and take off your masks. "That was the best field trip ever" you say. " Why" wanda asks "I got to beat and shock flash" you say. Peter laughs.

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