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You and Wanda got into an argument
"Wanda that's your fault you don't know how to control your powers!" You say. The avengers were sitting in the living room and you and wanda were arguing in the corner of the living room. " I'm a mutant mia! " Wanda yells. "Well maybe if you could at least learn to control your powers then Steve would of never gotten hurt!" You say. " hey guys this isn't really a big deal " Petro says. "Mia you can't control your power" wanda says. "I can I don't go around controlling one of our team mates when I'm mad at them! You had to throw Steve at that car cause you got mad!" You yell .

"Mia I didn't ask for my powers!" Wanda yells. " well maybe we can run some tests in You like what hydra did and maybe you could get rid of your powers" you say. "That's it!" Wanda says. A red glow forms around her hand Steve Bucky Clint and Nat jump up " wanda stop" Steve says. All of a sudden the glow forms around your temples and you hear loud screams. The screams remind you of the torture hydra put you threw. You covered your ears and let out a scream. You stumble back and fall to the floor petro and Clint run to you. You let out another scream "stop! Make it stop!" You yell " wanda stop it! " Petro yells but she doesn't stop you feel a horrible pain in your head. You let out another scream "stop it! Please stop" you say. "Stop! Please!" You yell still covering your ears. Steve grabs wanda " wanda! Stop it! Your hurting her! " Steve yells. Wanda looks at Steve and stops. The pain fades away and the screams go away. A tear rolls down your cheek petro hugs you. "I...I can't ..." You start. " it's ok your ok now" petro whispers. You sob into his shoulder. "Mia... I'm so sorry." Wanda says.
" I cant go back to hydra I cant" you sob. "Your not were here with you I will protect you ok" petro says. Clint helps you up and Wanda steps closer to you "mia I'm sorry i-" wanda says but you cut her off "no it's ok" you say wiping away tears. You walk up to your bedroom and sit on the bed you grab your pillow and hug it. After a while you slowly fall asleep.
"Let me go!" You say trying to move but you were tied down. The guy pricks you with another needle " please stop! Please" you scream. But they don't listen the cut your arm and watch as the cut seals back together. They cut you again you let out a scream "stop!!" You scream. They turn up the electricity in the wires. You scream " stop! Make it stop" you sob
(End of dream)
"Mia get up!" Steve and petro says shaking you. You open your eyes and sit up " you were having a nightmare" petro says. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you" you say. "No don't be sorry it's ok" Steve says. "So do you want to talk about the dream" petro asks "yea I guess" you say.
You tell them the dream. "I'm So sorry" petro says "it's ok that was a long time ago" You say. " well that's over now so" Steve says. "I love you guys" you say "we love you to" petro says.

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