there is another girl - steve & bucky

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Your dating Steve and Steve and bucky just got back from the army but something is off with him. (This will be a sad one in sorry)
"Ok so Peter do you want chocolate chip pancakes or blueberry pancakes or plain pancakes" you say. " chocolate of course who do you think I am" Peter says with a smile. "Ok spider boy" you say giving him his pancakes. "Thor how about you" you ask "blueberry and chocolate M,lady" he says. You hand him the pancakes. "Some is at the front door" Jarvis says "who is it" you say giving Peter some chocolate milk. "Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes" Jarvis says " really?!? Let them in! " You say running out to the door. Bucky was the first one in so you ran to him an have him a big hug "I missed you" you say "we missed you too doll" Bucky says. Steve out the suit cases down and you jump on him "hey Nikki" he says. You try to give him a kiss but he turns away. " hey is everything ok" you ask. "Why?" Steve asks. " cause you just denied my kiss and bucky gave me a better hug" you say. "Uh I need to talk to you" Steve says. "I'm gonna clean up" Bucky says "hey buck after your done there is pancakes in the kitchen" you say sitting on the couch . "Nikki when I was in the army a girl named Peggy helped me with the serum and we have gotten really close" Steve says. "Oh wow your just gonna break up with me" you say. "No I wasn't going to say that" Steve says. " then what?! " You say. "I love you but I love her also" Steve says. "I don't want to be a choice steve! I should be the only one!" You say. Tears were building up in your eyes. Steve looked down at his shoes in guilt "wait... Did you....sleep with her?!" You say. Steve doesn't answer " Steve answer me!! " You yell "yes! Yes I did!" Steve says. You stood there and let a year fall you wiped your nose " i thought you loved me enough not to cheat on me" you say. "I do love you nikki" Steve says trying to grab your hand "no don't touch me" you say moving away. "Nikki im-" Steve says "no I don't want to hear it just go I don't want to see you right now" you cry with your face in your hands. Steve stands up and goes out side. Peter and Thor come over and comfort you. "Do you want anything" Peter asks in a soft voice "no thank you I just want some time alone" you say "ok just call if you need anything" Thor says. Bucky runs down from upstairs and put the door " what the fuck steve!!! " Bucky yells "how could you Do that to her!" Bucky yells "I said sorry" Steve says " well sorry aint going to fix it" Bucky yells. "Peggy has just helped me get through the army" Steve says "yea but Nikki helped get you through bad things your whole life" Bucky says " you really fucked up this time"Bucky says. You walk up to your room and just sit on the bed. Bucky walks in and sits next to you. "What did I do to make Steve do that" you say. Bucky pulls you in for a hug "am I not good enough" you say " no Steve doesn't know what he is losing " Bucky says. You and bucky watch movies and he read you books until you stopped crying. "How are you feeling" Bucky asks. " a little bit better" you say. Bucky puts his finger under your chin and tilts your head up so that your looking at him "your beautiful" he mumbles . You looked at him and your faces got closer and closer together. You couldn't take it anymore you moved and connected your lips to his. The kiss was slow and filled with passion. Bucky lays you down so that he was on top of you the kiss for deeper. You tugged on his shirt "are you sure" Bucky asks you nod and he takes his shirt off along with yours. He moved his lips down to your jaw line leaving hickys he sucked in your neck making you moan.

The next morning you woke up with nothing on and bucky was sleeping next to you with nothing on also. You throw a blanket over him and go and change. You put on a black shirt and some shorts. Then you heard a knock on your bedroom door you skip over to it and open it. It was Steve "what is it" you say. Bucky quietly got up and put on some pants. "I wanted to talk" Steve says "about what" you say "what's that" Steve says moving your hair out of the way reveling a hicky. "Is that a hicky?!" Steve asks " and why do you smell like buckys cologne " Steve asks "steve" you say Steve pushes you out of the way and into your room. Bucky stands up "you...slept with bucky?" Steve asks. " how could you!! " Steve says taking a step towards Bucky. You Move in front of Bucky "it wasn't her fault" Bucky says. Steve pushes you out of the way and punches bucky. "Steve stop it!" You say getting in front of bucky. " a girl named Peggy is waiting downstairs " Friday says. Steve runs down and so does you and bucky. You see a girl with black hair and she is wearing a uniform. "Hi steve" she says and giving Steve a hug "Hi bucky" she says Bucky nods. " and who might you be" Peggy asks you "oh I'm nikki steves ex girlfriend" you say. " oh I'm very sorry. But me and Steve are very happy" she says "would you still love him with a black eye" you say. "Yes of course" Peggy says. Bucky grabs your arm but you shake it off "good" you say walking to Steve Peggy gets in front of you "your not going to hurt him unless you get threw me and that is very unlikely" Peggy says. " oh yea " You say Peggy throws a punch at you but you block it you kick her leg out making her fall on her back. You try to walk away but Peggy grabs your hand you twist her arm and throw her. "And she is part of the military" you say to steve. You slap Steve across the face " and that's for cheating on me" you say. "Cheating?" Peggy asks. " Yes he slept with you while he was still dating me" you say. The avengers stood there in shock. "But Steve told me he didn't have a girl" Peggy says "yea and he told me I was his only girl" you say tearing up. Bucky pulls you close to him. " I'm very sorry. And Steve you should be very ashamed of yourself" Peggy says leaving. Steve sits down and puts his face in his hands. "How could you" Steve says. "Don't pin this on me! How many times did you sleep with her?" You say. "6 times" Steve mumbles. You start to cry a little bit more. Bucky kisses the top of your head and walks you to your room. He cuddles with you until you stop crying. Bucky slowly fell asleep but you didn't "Nikki some officers are here for you" Friday says. You walk downstairs and then outside there were three officers but you don't recognize their uniforms. "Hi we are just here for some questions" the tallest one says. " so have you been really close with Steve Rogers or James Barnes" on of them said. "Yes" you say. "Ok have you dated one of them or both" one of them asks "I have dated one but we broke up" you say "ok last question have you had any sexual activity with one of them and if you have who was it." The officer asks. "Only james" you say "knock her" one of the officer's say. The officer hits you in the head knocking you out.

You wake up and you were tied down. "Your awake" a man in a Russian voice says. "What do you want" you say. "Oh we are just running tests....on you" the man says. "Please let me go" you say. "The first test might hurt your head but here it goes" the man says. You hear a ringing noise and then you feel a horrible pain in your head. "Stop!please!" You scream the man stops and the pain goes away. "Next" the man says a person walks up to you and injects something into you. another person walks up to you and takes a knife and scratches right above your wrist. You weince in pain but then the scratch starts to turn black causing a pain all the way up your arm you tense up. The man cuts you again but deeper this time "please stop" you say.The cut turns black. Another man injects something else into you making you week. The man pulls out a red book with a black star in the middle. The book was the book they brain washed Bucky with "keep that away from me" you say. The man opens the book but he couldn't find the page with the words someone ripped it out. The man whispered something in Russian to the other man. A guy pulls out a gun and shoots you in the side "fuck" you groan. You hear footsteps coming towards you "stop don't hurt me" you say. The bullet was covered in poison you could feel it. 2 men run to you it was Steve and bucky "nikki are you ok what did they do" Bucky says. Steve unties you and you point to the wound on your side "we have to get her to the compound" Bucky says " no Bucky im not going to make it the bullet is covered in poison " You say. "We have to try I can't lose you" Bucky says tearing up. "I'm sorry" you whisper " no no no Nikki please" Bucky says Steve starts to cry silently. "Hold on please I still need you" Bucky says. Bucky puts your head in his lap and he runs his fingers threw your hair. Steve kneels down next to you "I'm sorry" Steve says. " I'm so stupid I should of never cheated on you. I don't deserve you. If any one deserves you it's bucky. I'm sorry
Nikki" steve says. You try to say something but you couldn't speak your mouth was dry. You squeezed buckys hand harder as it got harder to breath. You didn't want to leave them you loved them so much. You didn't want to see them in pain. Your grip on buckys hand loosened and bucky new that you were gonna go. He kisses your cheek and whispers "we love you".

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