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Everyone tries to lift thors hammer and Tony can't and bucky and Tony gets into a big argument.
"Come one Nikki lift it!" Petro says to you. "I can't I'm not worthy enough" you say air quoting the word worthy. " please! " peter begs "fine" you say standing up. You stand in front of the hammer and grab the handle. You lift with all your strength and you lift it off the table a couple inches and then put it back down. Thor let's out a sigh of relief. Tony looks mad. "Your turn" you say to bucky. Bucky gets up and grabs the handle he pulls and it moves a little bit. "Oh fuck this!" Tony yells getting up. " Tony it's not a big deal" Bucky says. "Yes it is! Friday replay the video" Tony says. The video replays of you and bucky moving the hammer. " it fucking moved! " Tony yells. All hell breaks lose and bucky and Tony are yelling at each other. "Its not a big deal tony! I barely lifted it!" Bucky yells " oh but I'm not mister braggy pants over here saying oh I moved the hammer! " Tony yells "I didn't brag!" Bucky yells. You stand up "guys this is not a big deal this is just a Damn stupid argument" you say. " the only thing Damn stupid here is you thinking oh I can beat ass and lift the hammer! " Tony yells at you. "Oh you crossed the line iron ass!" You yell punching Tony in the face . You take a step back and Tony gets up and wipes the blood from his nose. "Your still fucking stupid" Tony says to you. Right there Bucky punches tony "no one calls my girl friend fucking stupid not even you!" Bucky yells . Tony jumps up ready to punch Bucky back but Steve interferes. "Guys! Stop! It ! Right! Now!" Steve yells. " he called Nikki stupid! " Bucky yells "well misses cocky pants over here thinks she can punch her boss in the face!" Tony yells " oh you wanna go there! " You say trying to get to Tony. "Guys stop it right now or so help me I will have Peter web all you guys to the wall right now!" Steve says.

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