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It's been a few years since we debuted. At first I got a lot of hate since the fans were expecting a boy group. I cried many times but I didn't want my Hyungs to see. Until.
"(Y/n)?" I look up and see Jungkook standing there.

I wipe my face and smile, "Hey Hyung."

"What happen?" He asks in broken English.

"Nothing, everything is okay." I say smiling.

"That no right." He walks out and I sigh. Now he'll tell the others.

Soon enough they all came into the room. I pull my legs up to my chest and put my head down.


"Yes?" I ask without moving my head.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asks.

I feel more tears roll down my face. But I feel someone come in front of me. I look up and see Yoongi, "Why aren't you smiling?"

I smile.

"Not good enough. What's wrong?" Yoongi asks smiling at me, "You can tell me."

I pick up my phone and unlock it. I go to the Instagram page and go to the comments. I quickly hand Yoongi my phone.

He gasps as he reads through the comments. I put my head back down and continue to cry. I hear someone's phone ring, it's Namjoon.

"Yes PDnim?" I hear him walk out of the room.

"What do we do?" Yoongi says showing the others my phone.

"(Y/n), please, to on bed." Hobi says crouching in front of me.

I shake my head and stay still. I hear him sigh.

"PDnim called me talking about hate that (Y/n) is getting. He is going to try to resolve it." Namjoon says waking into the room.

I look up at him, "How? They already clearly hate me, how is he going to fix this?"

All of the members look at me shocked. "You can understand?" Jimin asks, "Namjoon you did so well!"

I chuckle a bit. "Yeah."

"How do we make her feel better." Jungkook asks.

"I don't think she should be feeling his way." I hear Taehyung say.

"Why?" Yoongi asks.

"Well, everyone gets hate."

"She's a 14 year old girl Tae." Jin says.

"She's very sensitive."

I stand up and walk out of the room. They call after me but I don't answer them. I head into the studio and sit in the chair.

"(Y/n)?" I look over and see Yoongi.

"Yes Hyung?"

"He didn't mean it. He doesn't understand." Yoongi says sitting down. "Please, talk to me."

I look at him, "You won't understand me anyways."

He tilts his head and I smile, "Exactly."

"Should I get Namjoon?" He asks.

I sigh, "No."

"Then what do you want me to do?"


I explain to him in English about what's happened, I doubt he understood anything but he looked upset. I told him that I feel like everything I've worked hard for since I went to high school is all for nothing.

"I'm sorry." He comes up to me and gives me a hug, "You can cry."

I don't hold back and the tears stream down my face. Soon enough the door opens. I don't bother to look since I know it's the other members. All I can feel his Yoongi stroking and patting my back. It's nice.

I stop crying and pull away from him. "Now smile." I look up at him and smile. "When I let out all of my emotions or cry. I immediately smile afterwards to throw it all away."


"Yeah, it makes me feel better. But I don't know much about girls so..."

I laugh and he smiles. "Thank you Yoongi. I think I'll tell the other members what's going on."

He looks at me and smiles, "You will tell them? Do you want me to come."

"No need." I hear someone say.

I turn around and see the others. I forgot that the door even opened.

"I can explain again."

"Only if you're comfortable." Namjoon says smiling.


I point over to the couch in front of me and they sit down. Yoongi sighs and I smile at him.
Then I told them what happened and now we are closer than ever. But now, I am getting hate again. The hashtag 'RemoveHer' has been trending on Twitter.

I'm sitting in my room and reading through the tweets.

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I look at the second tweet

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I look at the second tweet. I then stand up and walk to my mirror. I turn to the side and look at my reflection.

It's true. I should lose weight.

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