Hoseok Ending

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"(Y/n)-nie..?" I look up and see Hobi standing there with a shocked expression on his face.

"Hoseok..." I feel tears come to my eyes, "What am I doing?!" I exclaim crying loudly.

He walks over to me and puts his arm over my shoulder, "What happened baby?"

"Hobi..." I say pulling him closer, "I don't know anymore..."

"It's okay (Y/n), let it all out." Hoseok says rubbing my back.

"I j-just d-don't want to l-l-live anymo-anymore..." I say crying louder and tightening my grip on him.

"Did you take anything..?" He asks.

I slowly nod my head.

"How much?"

"H-half a bottle..." I respond wiping my eyes. "I don't feel good..."

"How about we go to the hospital?" He asks kissing my forehead.

I nod my head, "I want to go..."

He stands up and helps me up, he puts his arm around my waist to support me, I rest my head on his shoulder, I grow more tired and as soon as Hobi helps me into his car I feel my eyes close.

"Honey!" I shout.

"Yeah, babe?!" Hoseok shouts from the kitchen.

"The guys are coming over today right?" I ask standing up and heading down the stairs.

"Yes, they are."

I sit down at the dinner table and watch my husband clean the kitchen.

"(Y/n)-nie, you should go rest, they'll be here in two hours." He says smiling.

"But what about cleaning? I can help you Hobi..." I say.

He turns around and gives me a sweet smile, "(Y/n), the doctor said not to do so much work, it'll cause you to stress and that's not good for the baby. Besides, tonight they're coming over to work on the new album. That's going to stress you enough."

I huff and he gives me a kiss on the cheek, "Fine, I'll go to the couch if you need help just call me, okay?"

"Of course (Y/n)-nie, don't worry about it, you on;y have 1 month left." He says smiling as he helps me to the couch.

"Yeah, one month of sitting around." I say sighing.

"But you're doing this for a blessing, don't worry about it, I'm talking extra days off and if we need to work we're working here. So I'm always with you during this time." He says crouching down in front of me, "Trust me (Y/n), everything will be okay."

"Hey, J-hope!" I hear Yoongi exclaim from the front door.

"Hey boys." I hear my husband say.

"Where's our Mrs Jung?" Jimin asks.

"She's sitting on the couch."

They all come over and attack me with hugs.

"Well, you guys are ready to work on this new album, huh?" I say chuckling.

"Of course, we're always ready, are you?" Namjoon asks.

"Of course Hyungs, but there is a problem." I say sighing.

"What's the problem?" Hobi asks running towards me and crouching down in front of me and taking my hand in his. I giggle at his gesture.

"Going up the stairs..."

The boys all start to laugh and Hobi sighs from relief, "Jagi, I thought something was really wrong like you were dying or something..."

"Going up the stairs might as well be dying!" I exclaim.

"That's why I told you to stay upstairs!" He exclaims laughing, "But no, you wanted to help me so you came down the stairs."

He stands up and kisses my cheek, "What was I supposed to do alone upstairs? Worry about you destroying the house or would it be better to watch you destroy the house?"

"Okay, okay, you win." He says sighing and smiling at me.

I stand up and sigh, "It's okay, we can do this." I ay rubbing my stomach.

Eventually, I make my way up the stairs, once I arrived everyone cheers and I started to laugh. We read into the home studio and we start to work on the new album.

Everyone is quiet while working on lyrics, the thing is, I can't control my thoughts. I look at Hobi who is writing stuff down. I look at the other members who have no problems. I sigh and throw my book down the frustration. I watch everyone look at me.

"Are you okay, Jagi?" Hobi asks looking at me concerned.

"I can't think of anything, I'm frustrated!" I exclaim.

"It's okay (Y/n), you're pregnant, of course, your thoughts will be everywhere." Jin says, "It was the same with my wife, she couldn't control her thoughts because she was thinking about the baby, me and everything at the same time."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, really."

"We're all really proud of you (Y/n), you've come so far in your pregnancy." Jungkook says, "Don't worry about not being able to think straight."

"I have an idea." Namjoon says, "How about you write down all your thoughts, maybe we can make a song about what you're going through, that might help young Armys and old Armys going through the same thing as you."

"That's a really good idea Hyung!" Tae says.

"Then, I'll do that."

"I'm really glad you stopped when you did, I'm really glad I found you when I did." Hobi suddenly says.

"I'm glad you saved me."

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