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After making sure no one saw her, Victoria stealthily walked towards the guest room where her suitor stayed.

Luckily, Charles was awake and heard her gentle knock on the door.

“You’re so beautiful,” Charles said as she walked in.

Victoria began blushing, Charles drew closer and they kissed passionately for a few seconds.

“I'll defeat that nuisance and you’ll be mine forever.”

Victoria blushed again, her heart raced in excitement as she heard the word nuisance. He uses such big words she thought to herself. She would love to ask what nuisance meant, but time was not on her side, she might get caught and that could be disastrous.

“Peter is really strong Charles, he may well be the next strong man I know after my father.”

“Are you saying he is stronger than I am?.” Charles asked.

Victoria intelligently figured out a way to avoid a direct answer to his question.

“You are well-read and knowledgeable. You probably never engaged in hand to hand combat before, because such things are beneath you.”

“ I do not doubt that you would defeat Peter and I also believe you’ll have an edge because you are more knowledgeable than he could ever be.”

She quickly planted a kiss on his cheek and whisked out of the room.

Peter Ejike returned back to the village from the main city where he sold his farm produce.

He had already been informed about the combat between him and a man who people claimed ate books. He wasn’t sure if they said he ate books or sold books, but he knew the man had something to do with books. People sound confusing when they gossip he thought to himself.

Peter found his best spot under the mango tree outside his house, he sat on his bench and poured palm wine into his cup.

“Delicious!” He exclaimed.
This is the best palm wine  I’ve had in a long time, he thought.

       While relishing the taste of his delicious palm wine and enjoying the shade provided by the mango tree, he thought about the last two years and all he had accomplished, he left his parent’s house and built a small house of his own. He had also made some good money from farming. The only problem was that the love of his life didn’t love him in return.

Even If he won the combat tomorrow and was given Victoria as a wife. It wouldn’t matter because she didn’t love him, he wanted a wife who would truly love him from the heart.

Gossipers in the village said Victoria was interested in the man who ate or sold books. It was no surprise to him since Victoria had always loved reading old books, now she would have someone who could eat, and sell the books she reads. She’ll probably never cook for him when they got married.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a woman approaching his house from a distance.

Though he couldn’t see the woman’s face, he could tell she was beautiful she walked with such grace and elegance, there was only one person he knew in the world who moved that way.

As the woman got closer he realized his assumptions were right, It was Victoria visiting his house for the first time, his excitement couldn’t be contained. He almost jumped from the bench and race towards Victoria, but he managed to keep still with what seemed like the  most effort he has ever made to control himself.

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