Camping Trip (A new one that doesn't end terribly)

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"Alright class we will be going on a three day camping trip" Aizawa stated. "There's three beds in each cabin, your cabin buddies are on the paper on the wall" he says before zipping up his yellow sleeping bag and going to sleep. 

Deku's POV: I went up to the paper along with everybody else and saw who I was sharing a cabin with. 

Cabin Pairings: 

  1: Momo, Jiro, and Uraraka      2: Mina, Toru, Tsuyu     3: Todoroki, Shoji, Tokoyami

  4: Sero, Iida, Ojiro     5: Sato, Koda, Bakugo     6: Aoyama, Denki, Shinso   7: Deku, Kirishima

Kirishima's POV: *Internal Gasp* OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! I get to share a cabin with Izuku Midoriya. He's so cute, every time I see him I feel like I'm literally going to die. I have to talk to the bakusquad IMMEDIATELY.

*Time Skip Brought to You by Your Lazy Author*

3rd POV: The bakusquad gathered in Kiri's room like they do on a regular. They never meet in Bakugo's room though, because he "likes his privacy." Kirishima took a deep breath, "Okay so I got paired up with Midoriya." Bakugo grunted in disapproval and Kiri continued. "I don't know how to act around him, what if I say something stupid and he hates me." Mina laughed a little bit, "do you like him?" "W-what of course not! No. Maybe. Yes. Aaaggghhhh." Everyone besides Bakugo laughed at him. "Bro quit gay panicking, you'll be fine" Denki said. "Why on earth would you ever like that idiot, shitty hair?!" They all sighed in annoyance. "Why would you even want to date anyone, people just slow you down and get in your way." Mina giggled a little, "aw bakugo you just haven't met the right person yet!" She assured him. "Or I'm Aromantic you idiot" he responded. Sero interrupted, "hold on how many members of the Bakusquad are a part of the LGBTQ+ community?"

All kind comments are appreciated!!! Author Out!!!

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