Going Home!!!

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Deku's POV: I got on the bus, sat next to my tired boyfriend and put on my seat belt. It was 7 am and although most people were ready to head back to the dorms no one thought it would be this early. Eji put his head on my shoulder and went to sleep, he's so cute. When we finally arrived and got unpacked I ran into Uraraka.  She just looked at me with a disgusted face because I was holding Ejiro's hand but her face when she saw Shinso kiss Denki was hysterical. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better YaoMomo and Jiro walked by us and they were also holding hands. My homophobic ex-friend left and went to her room after seeing so much gayness. It was great.

*Everyone's Futures* (you don't have to read if you don't want to) 

Izuku became number one hero, married Ejiro and they adopted two girls together. 

Ejiro became number four hero and he and Izuku lived a wonderful life together.

Uraraka became number seventy fourth hero, she never married but made a decent wage.

In case you were wondering Bakugo was number two hero, also never married because he didn't want to and he lived a pretty nice life in a mansion with two dogs.

Todoroki was number three, married Inasa, adopted two boys and one girl and finally cut all ties with his father.

Denki became number eight hero, married Shinso, adopted one girl and lived in a pretty nice house with his wonderfully chaotic family.

YaoMomo became number six hero, she married Jiro who was number fourteen hero and they adopted one girl as well.

Iida was number five hero, Mina was number nine and Sero was number twenty if you were wondering!!!

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