We don't belong

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After watching the catastrophe that just happened, I stormed towards Zed.

"How dare you. I get you are jealous of Wyatt for being so close to Addison, but there is no reason to say they dont belong here in Seabrook. You are acting just like the town did towards Zombies last year. Maybe instead of fighting against them, you should work with them, and Addison is right. You insult one of us, you insult all of us." I snarl at him before chasing after Addison, Who was... singing? Lame.

I follow Addison for a good 20 minutes before I watch her enter her house. Now that I know she's safe I pull out my phone to text my brother that I am headed home, but I bump into someone while I am looking down. Ugh, how cliche.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going... Wyatt? What are you doing here?" I question the person I just bumped into, who just happened to be Wyatt with the rest of the pack with him. In other news, surprisingly my little brother was with them. "Will? What are you doing? I thought I told everyone to go home."

"Willa and Wyatt invited well technically you to a pack meeting at their den, but you weren't there so I just figured I would go and could tell you later," Will explained carefully as if I was going to yell at him for doing his job as Beta.

"Well, now that you're here we can go get Addison and head to the Den!" Wyatt smiled placing a hand on my shoulder. I agreed falling in line with the group and turning around to the house I just come from. I watched as Wynter walked up to the door and instead of knocking as a common courtesy, she created claw marks into it allowing a putrid noise to be audible from both inside and outside of the house.

Addison opens the door looking around slightly afraid, but she finally notices us. This prompts Willa to speak up enticing the girl to go to their Den with us.

"Come with us Addison," Willa spoke proudly. Addison's intense questioning look made Wyatt cut into the conversation.

"You're important, Addison," Wyatt spoke with a voice full of sincerity and not malice like the people of Seabrook originally thought about werewolves.

"Don't worry, Addison. It's just a meeting, so you don't have to be worried about anything. Plus, Will and I are going to be there as well!" I say lightly pushing Wynter and Willa apart to stand in the front. "As neighboring packs, we need to have an Alpha meeting to keep the peace and maintain territory. It's the only way that two packs can get along when living so close to each other. If anyone should be worried, it should be us." 

"OK. I'll go." Addison agrees walking down her front steps to join the large group of werewolves that formed.

The walk through the woods took a lot longer than anyone would have thought, and with even worse luck I managed to get my jacket caught on the destroyed gate into the Forbidden Forest, leaving me shivering in the night. Luckily standing in the large group of wolves allowed body heat to be maintained pretty well. I had a suspicion that something bad would happen, but I always had that problem living with Adam and Jackson.

After arriving at the entrance to the large cave, Wynter welcomes Addison, Will, and me before falling into a small coughing fit. Willa helped her enter the den with me following behind, while Wyatt stood outside for a few moments longer to talk to Addison.

"I look at the style of this place! It's a lot more open room than the Pack House is. It feels... homey." I comment glancing at a few wolves scattered around the Den and the decorations that lay around.

Wyatt howls us a welcome with the rest of his pack doing the same. Will and I howl back a welcome as well as create a signal of respect to the wolves that live here. Addison... didn't do as well though. At first, she said Ostrich Boots. Then, she said Polka-dot Unicorn. On her final attempt, she may or may not have accidentally said a swear word which caused the entire room to gasp and older wolves to cover the ears of the younger ones. Wynter commented on a swear-wolf jar after Wyatt chastised her.

"Enough chit-chat. This isn't why we brought you here." Willa cut in scowling. She picks up a light blue crystal before holding it up to a superficial light creating the image of a white-haired werewolf woman dancing in the moonlight before howling. I glance over at Will, who looks dumbfounded at the image as it is strangely similar to a woman we faintly remember to be our grandmother.

It takes a pack (Wyatt x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now