Watch out

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You were walking down that hall of U.A until- "WATCH OUT!" Someone yelled. You quickly noticed and activated your quirk. It gave you the power to have a trait of any mammal that you have seen. You quickly turned into a gorilla and stopped the moving person but you weren't ready for the impact and fell straight to the floor.

Luckily you're in your training outfit. Once you finally had gotten up you realized who it was- "Y/N" said Mirio he was the person who had crashed into you "Mirio what the heck do you know how hard these floors are? You could've had a minor head injury?" "But I Don't have a minor head injury so that means I am perfectly fine." He said in a cheerful way." Sometimes you think that this man can one day be a psychopath but he was always determined to be hero.

You quickly helped him up and asked him a few questions like why was he running down the hall so fast like he saw a ghost or something. He just answered with "My instincts just had to tell my brain to run so I started running and somehow I bumped into you" he said with a wide grin on his face. Really how did he not turn into a psychopath no one is that happy about things, you thought. You quickly ended the conversation with "Well I gotta go see you Mirio I have training with Tamaki" he quickly nodded and said bye to you with a grin on his face. Psychopath


Sorry that was short I will try to make longer chapters that this but uhm yeee 👌

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