Epic X Fresh X Reader

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Keys: (F/N) = friends' name

(P/C) = pants color

Reader POV:

"(F/N)! Stop running! We have plenty of time" I say as I'm being pulled by my friend to the pet shop she told me about. She suddenly stopped and and I bumped into her back, I looked up to see a sign saying "Athena's Pet Shop". (F/N) grined "Here it is!" She said as she walked in and I followed behind.

A rather small lady who seemed to be in her twenties looked up at us. "Why, hello. I'm Athena. What can I do for you two?" She asks. "Hello! We're looking for bittys" My friend says. I turned to her surprised. Bittys?!

Athena smiled and lead us to the back where a glass square on the ground was with different bittys inside. Some were running around, some were sleeping, some were just talking. Right off the bat, two caught my eye, two skeleton bittys who were talking in the corner. One looked like he came straight out of the 90's while the other had a purple hoodie and a cookie crumb.

I kinda just... Watched them, then all of a sudden the 90's one looked at me, grined, waved and said "sup broski", then the purple one looked and said "heya bruh!" I smiled and said "yo."

Athena walked over. "Ah, I see you met Fresh and Epic" She says, I nod while I put my skeletal thumbs in the back pockets of my (P/C) jeans. "Well, if you wish you can bring one home, though I suggest bringing both." I then looked at them, smiled and nodded "I'll bring both of them home" I say.

Athena smiles and nodded "good choiccce.... Pronouns please?" "Male" "Good choice sir" She says then giggles. I look at Fresh and Epic to see them grinning at me. Athena then gently put her hand in the case and the two got on her hand.

(Small time skip)

As I walked out with Epic on my right shoulder and Fresh on my left. "So bruh, we neva' catched ya name" Epic says. "Well, I never threw it" I joked making the two laugh. "You're cool broski" Fresh compliments me which I smile at. "So are you" I compliment back.

"Ya know what, I think we're gonna be friends" They both say. Then I hummed a tune that went 'hm hm hmMm hmhmhm.' They cheered and said "vine will live forever!" Making me laugh loudly.

"It was the best idea ever adopting you two"


Requested by reconXandXRacoons, sorry if it isn't what you had in mind, I tried.


Bitty Sans AUs X Male! Skeleton! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now