Avin(oc) X Reader

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Reader's POV

I was walking home from work at the near by Mac of the Donalds (don't judge mee)  and when I walked past an ally way I heard... Crying? I stood there for a good couple seconds hearing the cries, until I saw a pinkish redish light is when I decided to go follow the noise.

When I reached the source of the crying I saw a tiny skeleton in a box with a the light I saw hovering over them. His tears seemed to be pink. "What's wrong...?" I ask worried. I guess I started them since he jumped then slowly looked at me.

When he turned my eyes widened. (Idk how either, just role with it.)  Why? Well, because there's a hole in his skull where his right eye is supposed to be, while his left eye was normal and was pink but softly glowing. "Why are you crying?" I asked. "Sh-she left m-me" After he said that he sobbed.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. I'll take you!" I exclaimed. He tried to dry his tears and asked meekly "y-you w-w-will...?" I nodded and lowered my skeletal hand which the living ball of light did not like. They flew in front of the little skelton and became brighter.

I smiled gently "don't worry... I won't hurt... Name please?" "Avin.." "Thank you. I won't hurt Avin, I promise." I said gently. They became a bit dimmer and went over to Avin. My hand was still there. Avin walked over to me and gently got on. I lifted my hand and he quickly climbed up to my shoulder which surprised me. The ball of light was still close to Avin.

I smiled and continued to my house. "Hey, what's your name?" Avin asked, looking at me. "Y/N"



Bitty Sans AUs X Male! Skeleton! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now