Jealous!Error X Reader X Geno

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Request comes from TheSweet-Crybaby, hope ya like.

Reader's POV

I've had Geno and Error for about ten weeks now. I've earned both of their trusts at least! But this week, wellll, Genooo kinda, got sick. Don't worry! It's just a cold.

And, I know I've been focusing on Geno a lot but it's hard not too when he's wanting to hang with Reaper, but he lives with my germophobic friend, but that's a whole other can of worms. So in retaliation, I guess, Error has started wrecking shit, I ground him, he wrecks more shit. It's turned into a cycle now and I hate it.

Though, today Geno told me felt better, so I finally set up a play date with Reaper and dropped him off. When I got home, the first thing I hear is crying. I ran to where I hear the sound, which was my room, to see Error sitting next to my sketchbook that's open and pieces of paper everywhere.

Error notices me and says "I-I'm so sorr-ry Papa, I-I di-idn't-t me-ean to" While still sobbing. I ran to him, picked him up and hugged him. "Shhh. It's ok, just tell me what happened." I said in a comforting tone.

While he explained, I layed down on my bed and layed him down on my chest while stroking his head. And we stayed like that.... Until I said "I'm sorry for ignoring you, it's just, he was sick and-" He cut me off with a hug. I was about to hug him back when he said "no." "Right, I'm sorry."

I saw him smile then fall asleep. A minute later a got a text, I read it and it said:

Mr. Clean: yo Y/N, stat on Error?

You: good & asleep

Mr. Clean: gr8

Mr. Clean: Geno and Reap are playin @ the moment, pick him up 2moro @ 8 P.M.

You: ok, thxs

There's plenty of time for a nap. I look at Error to see him happily sleeping which makes me smile. And soon enough, I drift off to sleep.


Sorry if it's not exactly what you wanted but I just wanted to project the fact that I'm sick onto something.

And no, it's not covid.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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