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A day has passed since our strange encounter with Dumbledore, an encounter that has filled me with confusion and dread.

I groaned as I put on my Slytherin robe knowing that I had to face Dumbledore today to explain what had happened last night. Severus had already left hours ago to prepare for his first potions class so I needed to face Dumbledore alone which was something I wasn't looking forward to.

I poked my head out of the living quarters to make sure that I could sneak out without other students seeing me. The corridor was empty so I closed the door quietly and briskly walked to the main corridor.

I was dragging my feet as I strode through the West Towers to Dumbledores office when I bumped into Harry, Ron and Hermione. I turned around at the sound of Hermione's voice and saw the three making their way over to me.

"Where have you been?" Ron asked as he now stood in front of me. "I've been a little preoccupied" I explained everything to do with my father and how Severus saved me, obviously leaving out some details. "Snape saved you?" Harry intercepted in disbelief. I smiled "he's not as bad as everyone thinks, you know". Ron butted in "I find that hard to believe". I looked down to see that Hermione was holding textbooks on Transfiguration "I hate to cut this short but I'm going to let you go to class, McGonagall hates it when students are late". Hermione sighs in relief "we'll see you later".

After saying my goodbyes, I made my way to Dumbledore's office. I knocked on the door and entered to see him writing at his desk. His blank expression changed to a look of disappointment as our eyes met, my heart sank as he put his quill in his ink and stood up.

He silently made his way over to me, but everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Many thoughts went through my head, I wondered what had happened in the space of yesterday and today that would make him look at me like that. I wondered if he somehow hated me now and even contemplated if I was somehow being expelled over what happened. But Dumbledore wouldn't do that to me. Would he?

He stops in front of me and his stern face turns to a slight smirk "I'm only messing with you Emmy" he chuckled "I know why you've came up to visit me and you have my blessing. As I said that day, I know how much you mean to each other and I have noticed that you both seem happier now that you've admitted your feelings for one another." I stood there in shock "I trust that you will keep your love life and your education separate, and that your relationship won't affect your grades in any way" he softly spoke. "Of course" I smiled, I was thrilled that he was taking it so well. "Just don't play with his wand during school hours" he winked as I immediately turned red and looked to the floor in embarrassment.

He laughed as I stood awkwardly not knowing what to do or say next. Thankfully he spoke first "now get on your way, I believe you are 10 minutes late to your potions class. Snape will give you a D for this" he raised an eyebrow. I didn't even say anything as I ran from the room.

I stood in disbelief of what I had just went through. I'm glad that Dumbledore is alright with this but man that was awkward. I almost ran to my dorm to get my potions textbooks and stood at the door preparing myself to enter the class.

"Miss Wood you're late, don't make me take points from my own house" he grumbled as I had barely opened the door. "Sorry Professor" I spoke apologetically whilst trying to conceal the smile forming on my face.  The full class was staring at me as I entered and I looked around the room trying to find an empty seat, of course the only one left was the one in front of Severus's desk because everyone wants to avoid him as much as possible. However, I am not 'everyone' so I am not complaining about being close to him.

I took my seat at the front and the lesson continued, Severus occasionally mocked students for their idiotic antics and took quite a few points from Gryffindor.

Severus was circling the classroom like a shark does with its prey, others find this terrifying, but I am quite the opposite. I am more fascinated by his dominance and power he holds in his classroom, and I smirk knowing that I am the only one who has seen the other side of him.

He made his way to my desk and I suddenly felt bold, I stuck out my hand under my desk just as he was walking by and our hands brushed slightly. I made sure that his cloak was hiding our hands so that none of the other student saw. He intertwined our pointer fingers for a split second before letting go, we didn't even spare a glance at each other at the interaction.

When he finished circling the class, he went to his own desk and sat down. This was when we finally made eye contact, he gazed forward pretending to look at the full class, whilst I put my head in my hands acting bored and snuck a glance at him. He held a straight face, not breaking character whilst I hid a smirk in my hands, I was trying to be inconspicuous and do what Dumbledore told me, that I've not to let my relationship affect my grades. With that I continued on with the lesson not giving Severus another glance.

The lesson ended a few minutes later and whilst everyone was quickly packing away to leave the class, I was packing my things slower than usual. I was the last student left in the classroom and I was on my way by Severus's desk when he spoke softly "meet me at the black lake tomorrow at sunset"

I didn't slow as he spoke and nodded my head in agreement and quietly left.

- K & R

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