Yours Sincerely

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I didn't sleep in Severus's quarters last night, I stayed in the Slytherin dormitories to avoid suspicion from other students and professors.

The day had gone by quite slowly as I was excited for what was to happen later, it was the day that I was to meet Severus at the black lake at sunset. It was also my birthday that day, but I hadn't told a soul, I never celebrated or had a party, to me it was just another day. There was no possible way that Severus knew about my birthday though, so it couldn't possibly be for that, could it?

Before I left I made sure to get changed out my school robes and get changed into something much more comfortable. It was nearing the end of the school year, meaning the weather was colder so I opted for a green sweater and black jeans with black boots. The air was crisp as I left the castle and I regretted not wearing a jacket too, I was already on my way to the lake and it was nearing sunset so it was too late to head back now.

I wrapped my arms around myself and I looked ahead to see the silhouette of the man that I love. His hair was flowing in the wind and he looked absolutely stunning as I got closer and closer, he looked quite nervous for some reason. He was wearing the same outfit that he wore to the Yule ball but with his cloak atop it, he looked absolutely incredible but why was he making such an effort? It made me feel like I was underdressed.

I was nearing Severus and he turned as he heard me approaching. We both smiled as we saw each other "hey" I softly spoke still in awe by his appearance. "Hello Emerald, happy birthday" he smiled.

I was genuinely surprised "How did you know it was my birthday?" I asked smiling, so it was for my birthday. "Dumbledore told me a few weeks ago, I'm guessing that he has suspected us for a while now"he chuckled softly "I guess we weren't as secretive as we thought" we both laughed.

Severus grabbed my hand and then started to lead me to the waters edge, he had a smirk on his face.

This was the first time that I had came to the lake since April had died, I looked to the water just expecting to see her head bob above the surface, but I knew she was gone. Severus noticed my expression and gently moved my head with his finger so that I was facing him "that reminds me, I got you a birthday present" before he said what it was, I interrupted him "You shouldn't have gotten me anything, I never usually celebrate".

"Trust me, you will like this present" he spoke, I only sighed, I didn't want to argue with him. "Look to the water" he pointed. "Sev, I" now he was the one to cut me off "look" and he pointed again.

I finally listed and followed where his finger pointed but didn't see anything, I looked for a few more seconds and saw the water ripple, like something was moving beneath the surface. I furrowed my brows in concentration trying to figure out what it was, then a head popped out of the water and I immediately knew what it, sorry who it was. It was April, and she was alive.

I turned to Severus, how was this possible? He smiled at me "I gave her a regeneration potion, and managed to save her" I didn't even know that was possible. "Thank you" I didn't know what else to say. I was so happy that my eyes started to tear up, when I looked back at the water, April was only a few metres away and the tears started to fall freely.

"I missed you so much" I sobbed as I wiped the tears on my cheeks with the sleeve of my sweater. April gleamed up at me from the water "for a minute there I thought I was a goner" she spoke in her screechy voice, oh how I had missed her. "Sorry, my dad was to blame for that" I spoke sadly. "I heard about what he did to you and I'm very sorry" she emphasised. "It's ok" I grabbed Severus's hand "I'm way more than okay now" he squeezed my hand in response.

We spoke for a few more minutes "I should leave you two alone, but before I go I want to thank you Severus for saving my life, I know you didn't do it for me but I'm still grateful" he nodded in response. I said goodbye to her and watched as she swam away and she waved her tail at me making me laugh, I had missed that. I had missed her.

"I am forever grateful that you brought her back to life for me" I boomed "You should be, I wasted valuable potion ingredients to save a mermaid" he joked. I slapped him playfully on the arm "I would do anything for you Emerald". I blushed.

I had only noticed my shivering when Severus took off his heavy cloak and wrapped it around my shoulders, it smelled of him, like a faint earthy smell from his time in the dungeons, I loved that smell.

I gazed to the stars and sighed as they were so beautiful, I hadn't realised that it had suddenly gotten dark. I looked to Severus and he had a cheeky grin but looked nervous for some reason.

I stared up at him as he slowly lowered down onto one knee, he was proposing! He pulled out the most stunning ring I had ever seen, it had an emerald stone instead of a diamond in the centre. I was amazed at its beauty. This scene seemed awfully familiar somehow.

I was shocked "Emerald Blair Wood, would you do me the honour of being my wife" his hands were shaking slightly. "Oh my. Of course! YES!!" I loved him so much.

He looked immediately like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He stood up and put the ring onto my finger, it fit perfectly I was so happy. "Can you take out your contact?" Severus asked kindly. "But I'd be able to hear your thoughts" I clarified. "I want you to hear" he smiled. I reluctantly took out my contact.

"You are so beautiful" he spoke in his head and happy tears started to stream down my face. He accepted me for me, even though I am damaged, he still loved me and I loved him.

"I love you so much Severus" I put both my hands on the sides of his face. "I love you too" he comforted. I stood on my toes and kissed him passionately, I was looking forward to our future together.


It is now 5 years on and wow just reading all of my past memories is making me tear up. Now to catch you up on what has happened in this time, well... After I had finished Hogwarts I was offered a job as the potions assistant for my favourite professor. Apparently he had asked Dumbledore the day he proposed if I could work for him, Dumbledore didn't have a problem with it, just as long as we didn't get too distracted with each other. We are very professional in front of the students, it's just when the students leave that we can't keep our hands off of each other.

I realised shortly after the proposal that the dreams I had so long ago weren't in fact dreams, they were visions of mine and Severus's future together. I hardly ever wear my contact in front of Severus anymore, only when we are teaching or in public and the rest of the time I don't wear it, I've become a lot more accepting of myself in these past 5 years.

I am currently 8 months pregnant with a son, Severus and I can't wait to meet him, we will name him Damian.

Yours Sincerely,

Yours Sincerely,

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-K & R

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