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EDIT: PEOPLE I KNOW HAVE FOUND THIS STORY. You guys know who you are. I'm gonna crawl into a hole.

May 30th, 2018

Bzz Bzz Bzz

Ugh, I must have forgotten to turn off my alarm for the weekend.

Bzz Bzz Bzz

Shut the f*ck up jeez

I loudly groaned as I picked up my phone from the nightstand. I went ahead and tried to turn off my alarm, only to find out someone calling me. My best friend, Adam Jones.

Bzz Bz-

"What do you want Jones?" I asked, obviously irritated.

"Whoa, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Adam Chuckled.

"You think this is funny? It's 2:47 IN THE MORNING. Dude, I barely had any time to actually wake up. I thought you were my alarm clock for a good few seconds."

"Alarm? Schools over."

"Yes. But obviously,  I'm still not used to summer."

"Well, I bet you're glad I called. Anywho, I was wondering if I could spend the night. I already packed a few clothes for tomorrow."

"You've got to be kidding me. First of all, how are you gonna sneak out without any of your siblings waking up? You share a room with one of your siblings and sleep on the top bunk. Secondly, it's the middle of the night and I doubt there's a good reason as to why you wanna come over."

"C'mon, my parents trust me and it's not like any of my siblings will snitch on me. Plus I miss youuuuuu."

"Sure...You sure your parents are cool with this?"

"Of course they are, they love you."

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Anyways, you can come over if you want. Just go through-"

"Yea I know, go through you're bedroom window by climbing up on the ceiling."

"Well well well, Adam Micheal Jones, it looks like that tiny little brain of yours is actually useful for once in your life." I smirked.

"Oh shut up, I'll be there in ten minutes."

*End Of Call*

I had a huge smile plastered on my face as my heartbeat got faster. My crush and best friend was coming over to spend the night. It's not the first time he has spent the night over at my house. He usually likes going over there just to forget about everything that's going on in his life. Who would've thought being in a family band would cause so much stress?

Knock knock knock

I looked over at the window and made eye contact with Adam. I smiled at him but my smile quickly faded once Adam started to rapidly knock on the door.


What's his problem?

I quickly made my way to the window and opened it.

"Dude, what the hell was that for? Do you want my parents to wake up?" I crossed my arms and blocked Adam from entering.

"They didn't wake up, did they? No, obviously not." Adam smirked but I refused to move. "Aw, c'mon I'm just kidding." I still refused to change my facial expression and didn't bother to move so Adam could come into my room. "Ahh, it's whatever. I know you still love me." He grabbed my chin, tilted my head a bit up, and kissed me on the forehead.

I chuckled, "Well you got me there." I then proceeded to move so Adam could enter. He went ahead and sat on my bed. "Wanna binge-watch The Office like we always do?"

He sat next to me, placed his bag on the floor, and yawned, "Yea sure but I don't think I'll be up much longer. I'm pretty tired."

"Oh, you're tired? That's crazy because I don't remember you being the one that was abruptly woken up in the middle of the night." I picked up the tv remote to put on the show and laid my head comfortably on Adams's lap.

I'm glad our parents don't care if we stay over at each other's houses.

"Haha very funny." Adam laid his back against a pillow that was resting against the headboard, so he was partially sitting and laying down.

*30 minutes pass*

"Hey Jones, are you still up?" I asked as I was dozing in and out of sleep.

"Yea why?"

"No, nothing. I'm just falling asleep that's it."

Adam turned off the tv, put a blanket over me, and started running his fingers through my hair.

"Is that better?"

"Yes, thank you" I mumbled as I fell asleep.

*2 hours later*

"Mary...Maryyy" Adam kept shaking my shoulder to attempt to wake me up.

"Hmm...yeah? What happened?" I asked half asleep.

"Can you get off my lap for a quick second?"

"But why? I'm comfortable here." I moved my head and body to try and get even more comfortable.

Adam quickly jumped out of bed. "Sorry, I just need to use the bathroom."

"Whatever just hurry up." I mumbled in response and used a pillow to lay my head on.

~A few seconds later~

"ugh f*ck."

What's that noise?

I sat up, slowly walked over to the wall, and put my head against it. To my surprise, I heard soft moans. Obviously coming from the bathroom.

Does he not realize the bathroom is less than three feet away from my room?? Couldn't he have waited to do this at his house? But... I mean... I'm not complaining.

Even though I'm was tired I still kept my ear against the wall as my underwear began to get damped.

Jesus fucking Christ, even his moans are hot.

I crossed my legs and tried to ignore the fact that I 🐱 was throbbing. I heard him flush the toilet and wash his hand. I quickly jumped into bed, making it look like I was still sleeping.

Adam came back onto the room, kissed me on the forehead, and laid down next to me.

"Hey, are you still up?"

I groaned, "Barely."

Adam chuckled and moved me so id be laying on his lap again. "Sweet dreams." He ran his fingers through my hair until I fell asleep.


Ok... Thoughts?

Best friend \\ Adam JonesWhere stories live. Discover now