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The following day was the same, wake up, shower, and get dressed. I choose leggings again with my work shirt and my hair into a bun. Typically, I'm not a makeup person so I don't worry about putting any on. I slip on my shoes, grab my purse as well as my phone and made my journey to work. Today I was working a double shift since we were short-staffed. That didn't bother me, I could use the extra money anyway.

Arriving at work I noticed it was exceptionally busy for some reason. We get busy here and there but never this busy. I was trying to keep an eye out for anyone who may be Prince Charming but I was swamped with work.

By the time things did slow down, it was 6:30 and it was time for me to leave. The good thing was I didn't have to work tomorrow so I could sleep in and be lazy. As I was clocking out another note was sitting in the same spot as yesterday. A smile automatically made it on my face.

As soon as I made it into my apartment, I took my shoes off and went straight to reading my letter.

Red-haired girl

Once again you looked perfect, and once again I didn't get to sit at one of your tables. Today I was able to hear your voice and hear your laugh and it was music to my ears. I know I sound like one of those cliché romances guys, but I guess that's who I am. My mother always said to follow your heart and don't be afraid to show your feelings. My mother is a wise woman and always took what she said serious. Now I'm rambling on in this note and sound like a girl, in which I am not. But a little about myself is, my favourite colour is red. I'm a dog lover and I work in business. I hope I can know a little about you some time but until then I'll see you around.

Yours truly

Prince Charming

P.S. Sorry, it's short. I could write you more but work is calling.

After I read the note, I came to the conclusion of not being sure about what to think about this guy. Maybe I should respond to his note and leave it in the same spot as his. That's exactly what I did for the rest of the night.

Prince Charming

You're still a mystery to me and I think that's what excites me. I really hope you aren't some creepy old man. Thank you for the compliments, no one has told me those before. A little about me is my favourite colour is blue, I also like dogs but I like all kinds of animals and you already know I'm a waitress. Not a big deal type job but it works for me and pays my bills for now. But anyways I hope to get to finally meet you one day but until then I'll be looking forward to your notes.

Yours truly

Red-haired girl

P.S. What do you do for fun?

I labelled the letter to prince charming and sealed it up. Before I got too comfortable, I decided to head back to work and drop off the letter in case I was too late tomorrow. Once the note was dropped off, I went back home and heated up leftover pasta. After I ate, I cleaned up the few dishes I had and went to bed.

The next day I didn't get up until noon, it was nice sleeping in for a change. When I got up and moving around, I ate some food and put some music on the stereo, and got busy doing my cleaning. I try not to let it get too messy for one person but sometimes I get lazy, I mean who doesn't.

After cleaning the whole apartment, I jumped in the shower and threw some clothes on so I could do some food and hygiene shopping. I go major shopping once a month and then just get the small items each week.

As I spent the next hour and a half getting everything I needed and then some, I was hoping to see the guy who bought my items the other day. With my luck though, I didn't see him, which was a bummer he was good looking and I wanted to repay him somehow.

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