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Gaurav's P.O.V

I was stressing.

I didn't know what to do anymore, and I was losing time. I needed to find a way to get out of this wedding and fast.

On top of things, Shanaya ruined a chance for me to meet up with Naina. Needless to say, I had to sit and watch Shanaya's photoshoot on facetime. She made sure I had no contact with Naina at any point. I wanted to talk to her so badly.

Work was a struggle. I kept myself busy all day. My PA usually did all the communicating between us if needed.

I couldn't look at her since everything happened. I didn't want to see the hurt in her eyes. All I wanted to do was comfort her and let her know everything was going to be okay. I'm going to find a way out of this, even if it has to wait until the wedding day.

Walking back into the office building, it was quiet except for my feet hitting the floor. I didn't realize it was already late, and the workday was over. I needed to finish up a few things before I could head home.

Making it up to my floor, I was a little disappointed when I realized Naina wouldn't be there. It was for the best though I couldn't risk Shanaya doing something to her.

When I sat down at my desk, the first thing I noticed was the papers. By the way they were placed, I knew Naina was the one that brought them in. That meant Shanaya was back and made sure Naina knew the wedding was happening.

I'm relieved she placed them when I wasn't around because I wouldn't be able to see the hurt in her eyes. Maybe it wouldn't be hurt but disappointment.

She's bound to hate me at this point, and I couldn't blame her. She deserved someone better than me, but I just couldn't let her go yet. I wanted a chance to show her that I meant everything I ever said to her.

For once, I wish I had a normal life and that I wasn't some big hotshot.

Moving the papers to the side, I started working on the few things I needed to get done. I'm hoping it takes most of the night because I'm trying to avoid Shanaya. She insisted she stays at my apartment to make it look like everything was perfect between us. I hated every minute of it. Luckily, she stays in my spare bedroom and not mine.

Finishing up my work, it was 9 o'clock, which gave me enough time to grab some food, take a shower, and then head to bed.

When I arrived home, I was not ready for the surprise that was waiting for me.


Ava's P.O.V

When I got home, I felt alone. Yes, there was Remy, but it wasn't the same. Manit was to move in fully sometime this week, but he would be busy with Rishav and work. Besides, I didn't want to bug him with my problems. It seemed like I always had something to tell him every day.

What bothered me the most was seeing the marriage license. I knew why Shanaya wanted me to put it in the office. She wanted to rub it in that they were getting married. It wouldn't surprise me if she sent me an invite to the actual ceremony. That would be a low blow on her part, and I hope karma kicks her in the ass.

How could someone do that to a person? All for what, money? They do say money can change a person. My family changed after getting my mother's money.

I know there's a lot of cruel people out there, but come on, there's a child involved in all of this mess.

For the rest of the night, Remy and I cuddled on the couch while watching T.V. I wasn't in the mood to finish the few boxes that I had left to unbox. I even ordered takeout because I was too lazy to cook.

Maybe I was getting depressed, which if that's the case, I need to get my shit together. I always said, a man was never worth it, but once you start falling in love, you get sucked in.

Was I that in love with Gaurav?

We haven't hung out in person, but from all the letters we wrote back and forth, I could tell he had a great personality. The plus was he was indeed a good-looking man, there was no denying that.

Manit explained the situation to Rishav and his parents, seeing how they are lawyers and are willing to help out. The problem with that is, I can't seem to talk to him. Maybe it's him not wanting to talk to me. Either way, I was at a standstill, and I wasn't sure how long it was going to be.

I really should stop thinking about him and just move on. No one will compare to him at this time, but I'm sure there's someone else out there. One who doesn't have any crazy pretend girlfriends.

Looking at the time, it was already going to be midnight, which means I should head to bed. If I didn't, work was going to kick my ass tomorrow.

Walking into work, it was unusually quiet. It was never this quiet, everyone was always upbeat.

When I got to my desk, Mukesh was there waiting for me, and he did not look happy.

"Good morning Mukesh."

"Good morning Miss. Joshi. I just wanted to warn you that Mr. Mehta is in a rather bad mood this morning. I'd stay clear if I were you."

I wonder what he could be mad about? Did I do something that made him like that? Was it because I went into his office without permission yesterday?

"Thanks, you Mukesh, for the warning."

"Anytime Miss. Joshi. I better get back to work before I get in trouble. Good day, Miss. Joshi."

Mukesh was gone before I could ask him if he knew why Gaurav was in a foul mood.

I better get to work then before I'm yelled at as well. I don't want to make him any angrier than he already is.

Gaurav stayed in his office all day. He even had Mukesh bring his lunch up to him. This was very unlike Gaurav, which made me believe he was mad at me.

In order to get to the elevator, he had to pass my desk. That meant he didn't want to look at me or be near me.

Every day there's always something new that seemed to break my heart. I pushed those thoughts away, and I made myself busy with work, cancelling all of his appointments and setting up new.

Even at the end of the day, Gaurav never came out of that office.

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