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Three years later

It's been three years since he asked me the big question. To be honest, I wouldn't trade this life for anything in the world.

I married the man I fell in love with through letters.

We still have our ups and downs, but who doesn't.

These past three years have been life-changing for the both of us. We had our first child, Rishi Mehta. He was the spitting image of Gaurav. At the age of two, he was quite a handful, but he was also smart.

I was now waiting for Gaurav to get home from work to show him the pregnancy test I took earlier today. We were going to be parents to two little ones now.

Even though I was now the official owner of Blue Mug, I stayed home more after having Rishi. I made Manit the main manager while I came in from time to time to work on paperwork. Gaurav wanted me to hand over my position, but I couldn't completely part with Blue Mug just yet. I have worked there for a while now, but now that I was pregnant, I was going to need even more time off for maternity leave.

Hearing small giggles, I went to check on Rishi, who just woke up from his nap. Now that he was up, I could put him into the shirt I had made to announce the pregnancy to Gaurav. Perks of having the supplies in your home.

After dressing Rishi in his outfit, both of us made our way downstairs to start dinner. Placing Rishi in his high chair, I gave him a small snack and went to start dinner. I planned on making Gaurav's favourite meal. I had two hours left before Gaurav would be home from work.

I wasn't nervous this time around telling him I was pregnant as I was the first time. We had found out I was pregnant shortly after our wedding, and I was afraid he wasn't ready to be a father. Now I was positive he would be just as excited. The love he shows for Rishi and I was always there.

I just pulled dinner out of the oven when two arms wrapped around my waist, and a kiss was placed on my cheek.

"Smells amazing in here, babe."

"Thank you. How was work today?"

"Long. It's been three years, and I still miss you being my secretary. It's just not the same. I have yet to find a secretary that actually does their job right."

"Oh, you'll live."

Once in a while, he always liked to tell me how much he misses me at the office. These past few years, he's been going through a lot of secretaries. No one wants to do their job. He finally got fed up and went to HR telling them he wanted a male hired.

He gave me a pout, but it quickly turned to a smile.

"What's the occasion for you to make my favourite dinner."

"Well, it's a surprise, but you'll know soon."

He gave me another pout but left it at that. That's when Rishi decided to grab his dad's attention and I knew Gaurav was about to find out the news.

I watched Gaurav as he picked up Rishi from his highchair.

"Babe, did you buy him a new outfit?"

"No, I made him a new shirt, why what's wrong with it?"

He was silent for a few minutes before he looked at me confused.

"Why does his shirt say he's being promoted to a big brother? Are you," before he could finish his sentence, I held the test up to show him that we were indeed having another baby?

With the biggest smile on his face, he made his way over to me while still holding Rishi. The happiness in his eyes brought happy tears to mine as we were expanding our little family.


Today we were going to the gynaecologist for our routine check-up as I had just hit twenty weeks. Manit and Rishav offered to keep an eye on Rishi for us, knowing he wouldn't sit still in the waiting area.

We've been sitting in this waiting area for about thirty minutes now, and Gaurav was getting impatient. He has been bouncing his leg up and down since we got here.

Another five minutes passed before we were being called back to an ultrasound room.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Mehta. Are we going to find out how the baby is doing?"

"Yes, please."

"Let's hope the baby cooperates with us then. I just need you to lay on the bed over there, Mrs. Mehta, and raise your shirt."

The nurse then put the gel on my stomach, warning me that it may be a little cold at first. She then moved the transducer around my belly and moved the screen that now showed our baby on it.

"You two are in luck today. Congratulations, it's perfectly healthy."

Gaurav squeezed my hand, and when I looked over at him, he was staring at the screen with a smile on his face.

We were both hoping for a girl this time around, but if we had another boy, we would be just as happy.

I wouldn't trade this life for the world and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

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