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The cries of civilians echoed through the air. Ash filled the city. Vehicles were overturned, smoke filtering from them.

A figure walked through the street, her violet hair pulled into a ponytail. Covering her mouth and nose is a dark purple mask, which kept the smoke from entering her airway. Flat boots protected her feet from the shattered glass that littered the ground.

Covering her body was a long trench coat which opened slightly from the breeze. Lined inside the coat were multiple pockets, each filled with a different book or comic of some sort. Her forearms were covered by this black leather bracers.

Her crimson eyes trailed down as she stepped on something soft. The female lifted her foot and picked up the torn pink stuffed animal. Slipping it in her pocket she promised herself to return it later before looking up as the ground shook.

A masked figure stood from the smoke. The ground around them curling to their will.

"Turn yourself in." The woman spoke, her voice thick as she tried to keep from shaking.

"I feel special." The deep voice called out, "I've summoned the number one hero."

She swallowed, a frown placing at her lips as she thought over the books in her bag. Her cheeks burned from the slight praise the man had given her. "I don't like to repeat myself. You'll hurt less if you give yourself over now."

"I would..." The man stated, lifting his hands as the ground lifted to cover his arms. "However, I don't think my friends want to stop either."

Her attention shifted as five other figures started to walk out. Instantly, her mind started to rush over the different source materials she had brought.

"I can't wait to take you down." A woman cackled, her long blue hair placed in a delicate braid which had fallen messy through her destruction. A mask covered her face, shielding her identity from the watchful eyes. "Oh, the idea of you gurgling with my water just sends pleasure through me."

A frown formed on the hero's face at the woman's comment.

"It's seven of us against one-"

"Don't be sure on that." The hero cut off, pulling out three books.

She knew the seven that stood around her. They were the current biggest threat to Russia, the seven who the media had decided to name the seven sins. When she had seen the destruction, she didn't waste a moment to travel to the area of disaster.

As she knew who she was battling now, she knew their quirks. As she has battled them individually before, she knew better than to assume they were going to be weak. If she put into consideration that she had recently placed one of their seven in prison she assumed they weren't going to hold back as they would likely want revenge.

The man in front of her was called Pride. He had given himself the name one day as he killed a hero in front of the media. His quirk was easily the strongest, as he was able to manipulate the earth.

Following him was the female that had gained the name Lust from the media. She appeared to gain pleasure from harming those around her, typically by drowning. From the hero's understanding the female would shoot out high pressure streams of water from her hands.

Wrath's quirk was easily the most destructive. He had come in later in the game for the group's forming. Thus the media had given him the last name available, and it just happened to fit him well. His quirk enabled him to explode items he has touched.

Those three appeared to be the higher of the seven, though the others had quirks that matched their own names as well. Gluttony's quirk was simply that his strength doubled with everything he ate, the troublesome matter was that it appeared he could eat just about anything. Envy was able to borrow a person's quirk, taking it for a short time and rendering said person quirkless for a matter of time. Sloth was an insomniac woman who had what she dubbed the touch of death, simply put if she touched someone with her hands they were placed into a deep sleep where most don't wake from. 

For her personally Envy wasn't much of a threat, as even if they managed to get a hold of her quirk, they would be unable to use her quirk. By the time they figured out how to use her quirk their time would be up.

"I wish you all to have a time for redemption in the future." She stated, opening one book and placing her open hand on it. The book let out a bright purple light, her own eyes glowing as words lifted from the pages.

Though the villains tensed and charged, they weren't fast enough to stop her quirk.

Three figures formed in front of her. First appearing as just a swarm of glowing words. The finally, their features coming in to become full flesh individuals.

The first could sense the incoming danger, and raised a shield of protection made from dark shadows. Their eyes sifted up towards the hero, a deep frown on their face as their eyes were narrowed in hatred.

Her own eyes looked down at the character she had pulled from the book. Unease traveled through her as she looked at the character that glared at her. He was easily the strongest character, however neither liked the other.

"I need you to help defeat them." She ordered, not looking at the two other characters which smiled at her.

The man stood up, keeping his glare on the woman, "You watch it. As soon as you make one wrong step, I'll be there to send a blade through your heart."

She didn't respond to the warning, and instead placed the books back in her coat and turned to take on her own opponent. The back of her mind focusing hard on keeping control.

It was an unfortunate accident that her control happened to slip and for the first time since she's started her career as a hero, she made her first mistake that had an expensive price to pay.

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