Chapter 3

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I couldn't move. Shock held my body paralyzed and pumped my blood full of adrenaline.  And the man in front of me knew it.


Growing up, papa drilled one rule into me.

That rule was to NEVER show surprise or fear. Yet, here I was with my mouth gaping open.

I knew couldn't hide forever, not with the millon dollar hit out on me.

Shit, shit, shit!

Why was he here? I don't need this right now.

It was cold as shit outside the club and my muscles were starting to cramp up from my performance. All I wanted at the moment was a hot shower; not whatever this bullshit was about to be.

"Why are you here?", I asked craning my head back to see the man that "loyally" served as my father's right hand.


Ever since my father's death three years ago, when I was forced into society exile, it was by the hand of the man in front of me.

He orchestrated it all. He made sure that my exit was loud and shameful.

So what the hell he'd want now? Only God knew.

"Is that how you greet friends, princess? Your father would be upset to hear you speak like that.",

PRINCESS?! My father? How dare he even speak of him.

Yes. This was a man I wanted revenge on. I'd dirty my hands on him. I had been plotting against three years now and still, just the sight of his face made me furious.

The line of his jaw, the scent of his skin, the glint in his eye, and the tilt of his mouth— if I didn't spend so much time meticulously piecing together his demise, I'd have already killed him.

Seeing him in front of me had me on edge, he was a sellout and one to watch close. He didn't just come around for no reason. Papa used to say that there was 'always a tyro that wanted to be a maestro'. Demas was definitely that.

"My apologies D. To what do I owe the pleasure. I just never expected to see you around these parts.", I'd switched my tone to the posh, aloof one I'd used when my father was alive. It was always better to play it dumb. And back then, I was. No need to let Demas think I'd changed.

"It's alright sweetheart.", he stepped closer, wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and tugged me into him.

"I've missed you doll, I wish I could have protected you better like I promised you father."


"All's forgiven Dem. But really, why are you here.", I asked again.

"I've gotta take you home, darling. Let's talk in my car first . It's cold out here and you don't have much on.." he raked his beady eyes up and down my get up that was just a cropped top, leggings, and a jean jacket. A far cry from what he's used to seeing me in.

Home? I don't have a home anymore. "Look Dem, I've got some other business to handle tonight, so I can't just leave. What's going on?"

Something's fishy and I know better than to trust a snake. He's beating around this bush and I need an out.

"It your mama baby, she's alive. I need to take you to her." His smile grew wider, much wider than his face could stretch.

What the hell is he talking about? I felt like I was dropped in a pool as my head began to spin and his voice drifted away. My mother was dead. She died that night at papa's side. How could she be alive.

No. I needed proof.

"You're lying.", I spat. He had to be, there was no other explanation.

"Why would I do that? Huh, love. Come on now, you're a smart girl. Your mama is alive and we've been looking all over trying to find you."

Papa and mama burned. Their remains were crisp when they were retrieved, so how.... No. No. Papa would never! My mother died with my father! Demas had to be lying.

"Demas. are you implying something here? I don't want to hear any stories. I won't believe you without any evidence." He had to be bluffing, he's after something else from me.

"Fine. Talk to her yourself", picking his phone out of his pocket, he unlocked the devices and dialled a number. The phone rang until a delicate voice answered the line.

"Hello.." her mother's voice crackled to life. The voice she'd wished to hear a thousand time since her death. Death?

Channell's world was in full tilt. How could this be possible? If her mother was alive, who died with her father? Who was that woman?

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