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So uhm, short stories yeah!
It's 6 in the morning while I am writing this please help-

So anyway, in this book, I will be writing little stories, AUs, headcanons, etc. 'bout Myths n' shit.
No ships, sorry.
No NSFW or 18+.
Requests are currently open, you may request:

Backstory headcanons
General headcanons
Fluffy moments
Wholesome bullshit


Here is an example, an AU of mine, the "Myth Group Chat" I am working on with some friends. Just a little thing that occured before

"They have to be alive! I KNOW IT! THEY ARE ALIVE!"
The Demon snarled, bashing their arms against the basement walls, colliding their body against the wooden board of white sheets attached by red strings aligned on the cardboard, a huff of frustration escaping their voice.
AkaManah sighed, curling their arms together over their chest as they slumped down against the wall, soon falling to the floor. They averted their eyes from the board of theories and investigations, a sorrowful expression falling upon their face.

Aka had been in search for the Gods for years now, hell, centuries even! After the disappearance of Roblox and Noli- the ones behind the creation of Robloxians and Myths, the skeleton had gone mad. 200 years ago, missing; but the Demon never gave up.

Letting out a short sniffle, AkaManah pulled an arm over their muzzle, covering their eye sockets as they wept quietly to themself. Tickles of a black ink-like substance began trailing down the sides of their face, splashing onto the floor beneath their feet.
"T-They have to be a-alive, if they were d-dead, the damn U-Universe would have b-been destroyed, r-right...!?"
They mumbled to themself, stutters escaping their throat.
"...Goldity, the Council- I need to f-find them for those i-idiots, since n-nobody else thinks they're alive...
I may not have known them well, but...
They were like,

To me."


Uh yeyeye that's what my writings like uhm
Ok request pls
I'm also gonna do a few things I wanna do myself so xhajxhshahahahah

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