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"How many [TIMES] have we done this, [OVER] and [OVER] again?"
The supreme leader huffed, narrowing his eyes directly towards the dark-skinned figure, a grave tone to his voice as he addressed his words.
Another war, all over again; the Days against the Nights, white against black, morning against evening, and on and on. A repetitive battle against two sides, formed by shattered brotherhood and dried tears from the two leaders. Though, both teams would never go down without a fight, even if it means losing one of their operatives.
Stand your ground, until the end.

Horrid tilted his head slightly.
"Oh, countless times, [GREAT]. That's all we can [ASSURE]."
The counterpart chuckled, responding with a shrug of his shoulders as he beamed Great a short smile.
Alongside Horrid were Flivorous and Emotionful, behind the three being the remaining Night operatives; such as Joyous, Powerless, etc.
The same format for Great and his Days, yet Macabre and Emotionless by his sides.
Each operative was armed with a gun, a determined expression fixed onto one another's faces.

"It's been too [LONG]. I'm [TIRED], [BROTHER]."
Great_Day lamented, lowering his head as he choked out his grieved words, fading out into the cold fog of the battlefield; the same each side had been countlessly fighting on. Hell, you could even catch a glimpse of dried blood from past battles.
"I want to [STOP] this [WAR], to be [HONEST]...!"

Horrid_Night stumbled back from the sudden speech, his eyes narrowing in disgust.
He hissed, spitting onto the gravel beneath his feet. Horrid bit his bottom lip, a sudden shade forming on his face.

Radiant stepped in, a foot forward as he asserted his words, grasping the gun by his side.

The Night leader elevated his hand towards the Days, his smile forming into a mischievous grin.
Out of the unforeseen clogs of dusty fog, fires of bullets rang out from the cold air, casting sparks of orange from the weapons in the Night's arms.

Crossfire, struck out on the field.

Bolts of steel bullets clashing in another, ending in trees and on the gravel below. Pants and huffs fled the operative's throats, escaping the threats of shootings aimed each other's ways.
It was all,
All the time, fights struck out, battles filled with stress and agony always struck the two teams. Honestly, nobody was sure how these wars began, not even the leaders themselves.
It all just sort of happened in a sudden moment, unbearable hatred of light and dark in an unbeatable war.

All happened so,

Emotionfull shrieked, his face forming in shock as his sight locked itself onto the collapsing operative, the brightly dressed boy sinking to his knees with spills of blood flooding from his chest.
Joyous_Night came to the ground, burying his face in the gravel as a groan winced out from his mouth, whimpering as the wound fleshed out layers of blood onto the battlefield.
Both teams fell speechless, lowering their weapons as their expressions wrapped into disbelief.

Horrid scampered to his wounded operative, scooping the boy into his arms and cradling him in his grasp.
The purple man stammered, bits of tears running down from his cheeks as his grasp on Joyous tightened, a firm hold on his weak body.

"...S-Sorry, [SIR]..."
Joyous returned with a weak smile, striving to reassure he was
'alright', in a sense.
"G-Guess I didn't [TRY] hard enough, [HUH]?"

"W-Wait- [NO], that's not it!"

"Bad [LUCK] t-then?"

Horrid became silent, pinching his eyes shut as he pressed a hand to Joyous' chest wound, driving hard as his face lowered below, tears coloured of cyan and sparkles of white reflecting from the light of the sun, and bouncing off from his sorrow dripping onto the gravel beneath.
Dreads of sadness struck each operative, each day and night, observing the moment carefully with fear coming above their heads.

Did Horrid regret his sudden determination of overpowering the Days? Oh, of course, he did. If he could, he'd take everything back, he never wanted to see an operative of his own, and may I add a close one, die right in front of his own two eyes!

Maybe, this could be a lesson, in a sort of sense.

No matter what side you choose, dread will strike in some way. But, there is always greatness to each horroring moment.

Choose your faces wisely.

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