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The Spine's POV:

The soft creaking of the front door interrupts me in mid-speech. Curiosity getting the better of me, I step out into the hallway. Rose's bedroom door is slightly ajar, enough for me to see an empty bed. Rabbit appears from behind me, voicing my thoughts. "D-Did she l-leave?"

Biting my lip, a combination of joy and worry stirs in my core. The notion strikes me oddly as I have never felt this way. Sure I have worried over Rabbit and The Jon but not quite like this. Imagining Rose alone and in tears is more agonizing than a rush of blue matter in the veins. Taking off my fedora and hanging it on the hat hook.

"Stay here with The Jon. I'll be right back," I say to Rabbit before leaving.

The night air is crisp and clear. A full moon hovers above the horizon, accompanied by billions of twinkling stars. Crickets sing their symphonies while the tree branches gently dance in the breeze. I couldn't blame Rose for going out on such a brilliant night such as this. If only I knew where she had gone. Waves caressing the shoreline draws my attention to the ocean, perhaps the beach?

Walking along the pavement that runs parallel to the sandy shores, a glint of metal catches my eye. A huddled figure sits facing the ocean. My breath catches when I realize who it is. Making my way down the staircase and onto the sand, I call out. "Rose!"

She jumps as guilt bites me for startling her. She answers sheepishly. "The Spine?"

"Why are you out here all alone?" I ask breathlessly, nearly losing my footing once or twice on the sand.

Rose wipes her eyes as if she's been crying. A forceful grin plasters itself on her face. "Just enjoying the night air."

I could tell she's trying to brush me off. To combat that, I persist. "Mind if I join you?"

Rose is quiet but does not show any objection. I sit down beside her, putting an arm's length between her and me. For a few moments, the two of us reside in silence. She holds her knees to her chest, eyes staring blankly. I want to say something but unsure of what. Part of me is fearful that she may pull away as she had done during the concert.

"Have you ever looked into your reflection and not liked what you see?" She murmurs, her soprano is slightly lowered.

The sudden break in the silence caught me off guard, brushing it off quickly. Formulating my response, I reply. "I know what it is like to look at yourself and want to be different."

"I weigh everyone down. I'm a burden, I've caused nothing but trouble for you and the others. I'm not even supposed to be here." Rose spiels, her tone wavering.

Is that how she feels about herself? Rose looks down at her left wrist, cradling it. Does it still hurt her? I hesitate before delicately grasping her left hand. She stiffens but doesn't relinquish.

Exhaling a puff of steam, I queried softly. "Rose...if you were such a burden, why would we have gone back for you?"

Rose pauses, I go on. "You're not a burden. You're more than that. You're smart, logical, resourceful, kind, beautiful. You've changed me-"

Reservedly catching myself. "You've changed us so much."

Minute tremors appear as she trembles, her lip quivers, and dark pools well in her eyes. Those two blue orbs of hers convey a familiar longing before thwarting away. Gently pleading while tilting her chin up with my hand. "Rose, look at me."

She heeds but continues to remain quiet, wordlessly staring solemnly into my eyes.

"You're amazing, never think you are a burden on me or anyone," I confess to her. Everything she is and has done is nothing short of astounding.

After those words depart from my lips, Rose begins to break. Tears pour down her face in shimmering rivers. She turns away, struggling to conceal her sobs. Tenderly coaxing her back, I bring her into my embrace. I hold her while she cries, the sobs shake her tiny body within my arms. Feeling her clutch to me and burying her face in my chest, I wrap my arms around her tighter to comfort her. Even in tears, she is still unimaginably beautiful. I kiss the top of her head and hold her until her eyes dry. Whenever she falls apart, I'll be there to put her back together.

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