chapter 7

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"Hey small bro, am in the front of your gate".

"Yeah, the gate is open".

He cut the call when he saw the gate open and entered immediately. He walked inside the garden filled with iris, pink roses and other different flowers that looks so beautiful in the night.

"Hey second bro, he greets Tommy"

They both exchange hugs before going inside, "you're the only one that came, where's big bor Adam said" while they were settling down in the living room.

"You know that Alex can't come,he got a case to d-"you mean the one that happened in your home he asked".

He didn't waste time to give him not so cool face before replying to him, "it looks like Alex did a lot of talking"--"come on we're bros remember and before I forget how's Anna he asked in a very worriedly way.

"Why asking me when you have already calculated the answer in your head he laughed".

His worriedly face turned to a one who missed his bus and was already late for the meeting. Tommy was about to slap him with another touching but funny word when he heard a young lady voice coming from upstairs.

"Adam why did you allow me to sleep for a very long time......"

Tommy was staring at Adam with so much smile on his face, "she is"--"oh am Adam girlfriend, Matt she said".

"Oh you're Adam girlfriend, hi am Adam best friend Tommy."

"Nice to meet you Tommy, let me get you guys some hot cocoa."

He nodded at her in agreement as she left for the kitchen, he turned to find Adam sitting comfortable staring at him. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend--you didn't tell me you were getting married to Anna he responded in a great speed, they both staring at each other smiling.

"Here's your coco" she said making them to end there silent talk, she placed it on the center table as Adam reach out to assist her. "Before I forget Adam don't forget to take your drug she said."

Is he sick? I asked, he was about to answer when Matt responded before him. "Yeah he has cold ."

"And you sure he isn't faking it? This time he was awoken to answer the question. "Oh! Come on bro"he said in annoys ."

"Sorry dude I giggled."

Matt didn't say anything but smiled at the both of them as they get to each other nerves,she walked over to door when Tommy shouted "bye dealing". She looked up at Adam who was already giving Tommy a questioning gaze before looking into her eyes, he smiled at her telling her Indirectly that it was just a joke.

"Bye guys" she said before leaving the house, Adam was smiling till she left and turned his attention at Tommy.

"So tell me what's the reason for your sudden invitation he said with so much pride in his mouth".

"I came to ask for your assistance Tommy said". Adam carefully picked up his mug then looked at Tommy like he wasn't paying attention to him,"my assistance on what exactly he said".

He was gently drinking his coco has Tommy brought out three phones from his jacket, he dropped the phones on the center table before revealing his plan.

"I want you to hack into this phones" he said which made Adam to choke on his coco seriously.

"Are you mad or something!!!, You want me to hack into..... He picked-up the phones showing Tommy what he was saying. You are telling me I should tweak into an iphone 6&7 and a Samsung Galaxy S8.

"Yeah but-he was about to say his reason when Adam suddenly interrupted. "Do you known amount of trouble I can get if iPhone or Samsung company finds out that an unknown person is hacking into one of their customer phone and the police will come straight to this house and God will bless you if is Alex cuz I know he will not have mercy on me. At all!!!

"Bro cool down that will never happen" he said looking at Adam like he was crazy. "Right then why don't you give the phones to the company so they can do whatever you want them to do.

"I can't he said looking down at his feet,"and why" Adam asking knowing so well why he came to him.

"Cuz it's not my phones "

"I knew it", Adam pointing a finger at him like a detective interrogating a criminal. "So you took Alex office phones and now you want me to enter them".

"No! You're getting all this wrong and since when did Alex had a office phone"--"he used it once to call me saying that he forgot his phone at home, he use it for work only he said putting his fourth finger on his chin

"Ok but I can explain", he sat on the chair opposite Adam looking at him like a child whose only hope is right in front of him.

"Alex called me today and told me different things about the incident that happened in my house. Among the different things he told me, i found out that Ellen is some how linked to the guy."

"Ellen again, bro it's been three years and you're still troubling yourself about Ellen".

"No you don't get what am saying like this guy has a lot of Ellen picture I mean a lot"-- "or maybe Ellen was his secret crush and they knew each other he put it in a shagging way.

"Bro is your brain having fever too am trying to explain that he has a lot of Ellen pic and not only that he has a file tha...that has information about Ellen adopted parent. He continued.

"So I went to his house"he said, Adam rested his back on the couch cuz he knows he's taking a ride to shock town. "How did you get his house key Tommy he asked", "I was able to get a copy of his key then I went to his house ,I searched the whole house at that time I was able to find a portrait, behind the picture I saw this.

He brought out the picture and showed Adam what was written in the back, he didn't show any sign of curiosity or shockingness cuz he had already analyzes the answer to his question.

"You're telling me that this guy knows Ellen "


"And her adopted parent"


"And you stupidly stole his keys and went to his house"

"Not really, I was just able to find a copy of his key that all"

"Yea! I got that, as I was saying you then found a picture which has the number to a safe in a bank and you went there. In Addition, you found this phones that you think that something very important is inside that will give you an answer to your curiosity".

"Thank goodness you understand me so will you help"


"Yes!-wait what!"

"Yeah I can't risk myself in this dangerous missions and so will you"


"But what do you think it's going to a piece of cake, this person you don't know who he's or what he do or what is inside that phones that can get you in trouble.Wh...why can't Alex just help you with this".

"Cuz he's far behind in his investigation! "

"Then why don't you give him the phones that can help him in finding........


He stopped talking at the sound of Tommy anger. "Look I know you're scared that you started to bring up silly things to cover your fear but I really need your help in this please I will go on my knees to beg just help me please.

Adam didn't want to do anything stupid that will take him to jail again but his best friend is seriously begging for his help to the point of tears.

"I can't believe am doing this again"he
said silently."

"Alright am doing this but it might take time".

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