chapter 4

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kiara woke up her kovu kion and vitani had decided to stay under pride rock. kiara looked over to where kion and vitani had been sleeping just to find kion gone and vitani awake. vitani where did kion go kiara asked. oh i kinda woke up early so i asked kion if he could get me something to eat  rabbits to be specific vitani said. oh well would you be ok to stay here alone while me and kovu go hunting kiara asked. i'll be fine kion should be back soon and i can hold my own vitani said. ok hey kovu i know your awake kiara said. kovu sat up. do you want to go hunting with me kiara said. kovu nodded. so your still not talking kiara said. kovu nodded his head again. kiara let me tell you the gist of what kion said it sounded something like this stop talking before i kill you and he said it in a tone that he meant it vitani said. okay kiara said as she left.

vitani was just about to doze off when she herd a voice behind her. vitani what are you doing in the pride lands you know the punishment for breaking your exile the lioness that vitani recognized as cyrus snarled. so do you plan on carrying out the punishment because if you do plan on it i would reconsider vitani said. oh and why is that cyrus asked.well first off i'm no longer in exile so killing me would most likely end in your exile and also my mate is standing behind you and he looks ready to rip your head off vitani said. well you have definitely gotten better at lying i almost believed you cyrus said as she got ready to pounce then a voice came from behind her one that she recognized but the tone on the other hand it made the blood drain from her face a look of fear replaced the anger on her face. get away from my mate kion snarled.

cyrus shrank back as kion walked over to vitani and dropped a few rabbits in front of her. vitani you were right about every thing except for the exile you have to be alive to be exiled kion said. kion turned to cyrus. how dare you pass judgement on someone thats not your place what makes you think you think you have the authority you know the rules anyone who breaks exile is to be brought to the king and my father will love to hear your excuse for threatening a lioness who is not being aggressive kion said. kion turned back to vitani when he herd cyrus mumble under her breath. i can't believe he rejected tiifu for her cyrus said. this really pissed kion off as  she looked up to find kion mere inches from her face. you and i know that tiifu only cares about the fact that she would be a princess not because she loves me and i rejected her because i don't like lions who see me as a prize kion growled. 

nala went to get kion and vitani  knowing that kiara and kovu were most likely already gone but then she herd kion talking as she arrived she looked from vitani who was tearing into what seamed to be a rabbit to a snarling kion then what seemed to be the cowering form of cyrus. what's going on here nala asked. just another lion pissing kion off vitani said. cyrus you might want to leave while you still can nala said. kion stepped back and cyrus bolted.  so kion what happened nala asked. well i had just returned from hunting when i herd cyrus threatening vitani vitani tried to tell her that she wasn't breaking exile witch she didn't believe but what you probably herd was me yelling at her for complaining about how i chose vitani over her daughter tiifu and if you don't believe me ask kiara her and kovu saw and herd the whole thing kion said. kiara and kovu's heads popped out of the tall grass nearby. how the hell do you keep doing that kiara asked. while your sneaking is good you still have the same problems as when you followed us kion said. sorry to interrupt but dose anyone mind explaining why cyrus ran past me looking terrified and is currently hiding and jumping at the slightest sound or movement simba asked. in response everyone looked at kion witch simba accepted. well its almost time to welcome vitani and kovu back into the pride as well as announce kion and vitani being mates simba said. 

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