Chapter 9: All I Want

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Barry stands in silence, staring down at his dark boots as they pierce the blinding white snow. He yanks the black beanie off his head and holds it between his fingers as the snow falls down sporadically. He looks up, eyes scanning over the stone statue of The Flash that is placed in the middle of Central City.

It's weird seeing a monument of yourself dedicated to your memory when you're alive and well. He ran a hand through his snow-ridden hair as he read the plaque below the statue. 'The Scarlet Speedster... He came in a flash, and he left us in a flash of lightning'  He winces as he thinks of the months he was stuck in the speedforce, the months Kara thought he was dead, all those months of despair where they had to be apart. But he was here, they are engaged and Kara is pregnant, everything had worked out.

He snapped his head to the side as a flash of light caught his eye. He found that it was a younger woman who had taken a picture of him, but he squinted his eyes in confusion. Why would he be an Important point of a photo? Maybe she was just a photographer wanting to get a photo of a citizen visiting the monument? But then another person snapped a photo. And another.

Soon after, a moderate crowd of people had forced their way around him, sticking phones and papers into his face, asking for a photo or an autograph. He then saw a news van pull up on the street corner, with a Camera man and news anchor rushing towards him. The woman pushed the microphone out to him, jutting through the crowd of citizens harshly. "Barry Allen, what has it been like living as the savior of Central City?"

He blinked. In all the shock of everything that had occurred since he had returned from the speedforce, he had forgotten that everyone knew the Flash's true identity. He cleared his throat as the reporter pushed the microphone towards his face yet again. "My life has been crazier than I ever dreamt it could be. Like most little kids I wanted to be an astronaut, but I became so much more, and I'm grateful for everyone of you that support me and all my super-friends that make the job easier."

"Could you answer a few more questions?" She questioned and he nodded with a smile.  "Is you relationship with Supergirl platonic or perhaps something more... romantic?" She spoke with a grin.

"I have no comment." He said, and the woman simply moved on.

"What inspired you to become the Flash?"

"My parents." He said, a tear threatening to spill from his eyes. He cleared his throat, wiping it away. "They tought me to stop running away from the problem, to face it, so I did. I faced the demons that had been haunting me for fourteen years, but the City needed me even after that. Metahumans ran rapid, between that and the normal amount of crime, this city had plenty to fear. But I wanted this city to know that they no longer had to be afraid, because I would be there, of course our universe is a lot bigger and full of heroes than I thought it would ever be and the job is much easier, and now crime seems to be a standstill." Barry looked up to the sky, thinking about what Brainiac had said before his attention back to the woman. "Oh, one final thing. Could you change the statue a bit, seeing as I'm not dead?" He questioned and the woman nodded after a moment before Barry sped off, lightning filling the night air.

He came to a stop at his and Kara's apartment, opening the door to see a sight he would die to see a billion more times. She was swaying back and forth to Christmas music, singing the lyrics to one of the holiday songs on the radio beautifully. As she swirled around to the beat of the music, she noticed him watching her and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment before she ceased her actions. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her. "Why'd you stop? That was quite the enjoyment on my part."

"Which part? The singing and dancing or my ass in these jeans?" She questioned playfully.  "or Maybe both?"

He smired back at her and she captured her lips passionately. "I love you." He whispered as the two pulled away from each other.  A knock at the door brought the two back to reality, Kara opening it to reveal a slew of guests for their Christmas party. As their friends and family walked in, she looked over to Barry and knew: She had l she ever wanted right here.


Barry can't really remember what his life before the Flash, or even before that fateful night where the lightning bolt struck him. All he knew was he'd been fighting for so long, and he was tired. He held the emblem of his suit tightly in his hands, running his fingers over the material. He set it down beside him, taking a deep breath before he took a seat in the nearby chair in the spare bedroom.

Maybe he'd take a break after their child was born, hang up the cowl for a little while and make sure he's a good father and husband. "Merry Christmas." He heard that beautiful voice say from the doorway, and he looked over to see Kara leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed.

Kara walked in, closed and locked the door behind her and began walking over to Barry. She straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and leant in for a kiss. He met her halfway, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Was that my present?" Barry smirked as they broke apart.

"Actually, that be considered part of your 'special' present." She smirked mischievously before picking up his emblem off the bed next to them. "You'll have to wait a little longer for the rest of it though, seeing as how we have guests."

"Oh, really?" He questioned playfully as she looked over at his emblem. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black box. "Well, I think I have your present beat." The scarlet speedster commented, her eyes widened in surprise, the emblem dropping to the carpet with a thud.

"Barry, is that-" The Kryptonian woman questioned, before being cut off.

"A ring? Why yes it is." Barry smirked. "Kara, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. My world was black, my life was so bleak, until I met you." Barry cupped her cheek with his hand, gently swiping away a stray tear of happiness. "Kara you are so much more to me than just Supergirl, you are Kara Zor-El, you are the woman who stole my heart, the beaming ray of adorableness and sunshine that keeps me running into the next day. I needed to get you a real ring, and I needed to show you how much you really mean to me."

He receives a searing kiss in return, and they both have humongous smiles. As they break apart, he slips the actual diamond ring over her finger and let's a few tears of happiness drop. "I love you Barry Allen."

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