IV- mentorship

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(Y/n) walked into the building Lloyd had shown her the way to, she was instantly introduced to a common area where she saw some students hanging around. Other than the differences in age it was easy to pick out who was new from their demeanor.

"Hi! I'm Winter!" A girl popped out of seemingly nowhere and right in front of (Y/n). "I'm a fourth year and the head of the protective house for this year, you must be new." She held her calloused and tanned hand out for (Y/n).

(Y/n) was taken aback by the sudden introduction but still shook Winter's hand. "Yeah, I'm (Y/n)."

Winter grinned. "Cool! The first and second years have their dorms, kitchen, bathrooms and an additional junior common room on the top floor. There's a spreadsheet in the landing right where you get up there and it'll tell you what room you're in, your roommate and your mentor."


"Everything will be explained in a short assembly, to attend it just go to the junior common room and I along with our housemaster will explain what life as a first year protective student will be like." Winter explained cheerfully. "Do you need any help with your bags?"

"No thanks, I've got it." (Y/n) said, the older girl stepped aside and (Y/n) began to head up the steps.

It was a bit spooky being surrounded by infected people even if (Y/n) had spent her entire life like that with the exception of Gerry. Perhaps it was just the knowledge that they were all there for a very specific reason and that was to learn about how to do all the things that (Y/n) had found herself morally opposed to.

As long as no one fell for her and she didn't meddle in anyone else's business and risk her life then things should've been fine.

She began to lug her case up to the top floor, she noticed the way the house had certain adjustments. Hardly a sharp edge was to be found in sight, the windows were so thick that the outside had become distorted and even the steps (Y/n) was climbing had multiple levels so if someone were to trip then it wouldn't be more than five steps before they'd stop. It could easily be assumed that protective students had requested these changes in compliance with what they saw necessary for if they had a partner.

(Y/n) saw it all as overkill but figured at the end of the day stuff like this wasn't too harmful.

Coddling and frustrating? Yes.

But there were more important things to worry about.

This was part of the reason that (Y/n) chose a protective to charade as. In a way it made the most sense to her in the small ways, wanting your partner to be safe was something even an uninfected person could be on the side of. Obviously taking this protection to the extreme lengths that many did, Danielle included when it came to Gerry, wasn't okay but (Y/n) could at least understand and empathise where it was coming from.

She was quite sure she could understand why the obsessives and possessives did what they did but that same sympathy wasn't there. They seemed more selfish than anything to her, the latter in particular.

And then there was the sadistic strain which (Y/n) couldn't grasp a comprehension of at all.

The disadvantage of these 'fall-proof' stairs was that it made them remarkably harder to climb when carrying a massive case as (Y/n) was. She thought her arm was going to pulled out of her shoulder as she tossed the bag up another level.

At long last (Y/n) had reached the top floor which was for junior students only, so the first and second years.

As Winter had described, there was a spreadsheet stuck up to the pin board right ahead of the top of the staircase. (Y/n) went towards it and scanned down to her name.

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