XLVII- not anymore

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(Y/n) cupped her eye in pain, and watched Noelle retreat with the other one.

Great. After that announcement now everyone knew and she was surely done for.

She just needed to get back to her room to get some of her stuff and then get the fuck out of there.

She inhaled sharply, the pain from the black eye that was surely now developing from the punch she received from Noelle.


She ran on the instinct of her name being called, not even waiting long enough to register who could be saying it.

(Y/n) sadly didn't get far before she was caught up to by whoever had spotted her and was grabbed, hands on her shoulders turned her around urgently.

Her blurred vision could make out Wes ahead of her, (Y/n) stumbled back in terror but he took hold of her again.

"You need to-"

"Back off!!" (Y/n) yelled.

Wes flinched at her volume and quickly hushed her. "I can get you out for here, but you need to be quiet."

"I'm not going anywhere with you, I'm not an idiot." (Y/n) scoffed. "If you really loved me then you'd let me go right now, I need to do this by myself."

"You'll get caught." He said through gritted teeth. "Come on, let me help you."

"You're not going to help me, you're going to..." She shook her head, not wanting to think about what Wes would do to her. "I can't trust you!"

Wes's shoulders dropped in disappointment. "I can't let you get caught."

"I won't." (Y/n) said with determination. "Now leave me."

"Please, (Y/n)! I don't want to hurt you! I love you!" He was growing more desperate now.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to... You will and you did." It pained (Y/n) to take such a black and white approach but she couldn't pretend he was someone that he wasn't for much longer.

"I can fight it!"

"No... You can't." (Y/n) replied coldly. "I can't wait around for you to be okay...I can't take that kind of risk."

"(Y/n)..." He said lowly, his personality once again changing from misery to threat. "Just come with me and everything will be fine."

She shook her head and began to back away. She had to get away from him but she could only run for so long.

"Are you scared~?" He cooed with a smile, Wes took several steps closer to her before stopping abruptly, the darkness in his eyes seemed to vanish. "No. I- I don't know what I'm doing, (Y/n), I need your help...."

(Y/n) winced in pity as Wes stared down at his shaking hands.

"Wes...?" She at least wanted to check he was okay before leaving him in the dust.

"I-I wish I wasn't this way... It's not my fault, I can't live like this..."

(Y/n) cautiously got closer to him, her hesitance translated into the light grimace that rested on her bruised face.

Wes sniffed through tears as his fingers twitched, fingers that ached to harm (Y/n) even if he knew it was wrong in his heart.

The girl reached out and carefully laced her fingers with his gently. "It's okay." She said, not even sure if she was being fully honest with him.

"I'm sorry." He said again.

"Don't worry." (Y/n) mumbled. "You just scared me a little."

"Not for that... For this."

Wes kicked (Y/n)'s good leg powerfully and she fell to the floor, letting out a cry as she went down.

"You dickhead!!" She screamed while scrambling away from him but Wes's foot came down quickly on her back.

He looked down at her curiously, attempting to detach himself. "Just...a little...longer..." Wes unconsciously whispered just beneath his breath.

(Y/n) writhed on the ground making Wes push down harder with his foot. "Ah! WES!!! Stop!!"

It seemed that something in her cry for pain got through to him as the pressure in her spine momentarily softened enough for (Y/n) to shuffle a bit to pull him down.

As he collided to the floor, (Y/n) got up despite the way her vision was impaired and her ears rang. She hadn't felt pain like it, her face, ankle and back all needed medical attention but that could wait.

She didn't look back and continued on her way to the protective house.

When (Y/n) finally reached the house she realised that not only would she need to maintain speed but also some stealth.

She couldn't just waltz in, she needed to be careful.

"Shit..." She breathed out through ragged exhales.

Her eyes landed on the fire escape as she realised that it was likely her best chance of getting in there without being seen so long as she was quick.

Even if she wasn't sure if her legs could make it she'd have to force them to keep going for a little longer.

(Y/n) went up the fire escape on the side of the building until she reached her floor. She was close to her room but far away enough that there was some cause for concern, (Y/n) could only pray to the heavens that Chloé wasn't there.

She scuttled quietly through the hall until she reached the first year rooms and arrived at her own. (Y/n) shut the door quietly to not make too much noise and released a sigh of relief.

This was possibly the first time she could properly breathe since Harvey pulled that stunt in class. (Y/n) knew she couldn't hang around for long as this would be the first place facility workers would come to look for her after her classroom.

She began to throw stuff into a bag, some sentimental items like photos but mostly necessities such as a charger, some clothes and as much cash as she had.

(Y/n) jolted backwards violently, causing her to wince from the sudden shoot pain in her back, when her door opened to reveal Frankie, Lloyd's first year mentee.

"(Y/n)- Jesus! What happened?- You know what? Nevermind, you have to come with me."

(Y/n) shook her head quickly.

"Lloyd's gonna take care of you, it's easier to come willingly."

"Tell him to leave me the hell alone." (Y/n) spat venomously. "I need to get out of here."

"I don't want to force you." Frankie said quietly.

"You don't have to..."

"It's the right thing to do, you're uninfected, you need someone who loves you to take care of you. Lloyd can be that for you." Frankie was slowly growing closer as she said this, (Y/n) looked behind her at the slightly opened window and internally balanced her chances of surviving the fall.

But before (Y/n) could make any brash or stupid decisions, Frankie dropped to the floor following a thud. (Y/n) couldn't even register what happened until she looked to see Chloé standing behind where Frankie's limp form lay with a heavy textbook in her hand.

(Y/n) stared at her roommate with her mouth agape, in slight disbelief at what had happened.

Chloé rolled her eyes. "Come on, you said you needed to get out of here, right?"

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