Part 9- HOSPITAL 🍍

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Tony: BABE!!

Addison: OH MY GOD RAY!!

Ondreaz: Are you ok?!!

Mikayla: Oh my god sis!!

Thomas: guys we need to get her to the hospital, she's definitely done something to her arm

Charli: oh my god Ray are you ok?!

Ray: yeah I'm ok guys it just hurts like hell, I think I might have just sprained it, I'll be fine

Thomas: No Ray that's more than a sprain, you've definitely done something, I can tell because your arm is not in the right shape

Tony: baby I'm sorry but Thomas is right, come on I'll take you to the hospital

Ray: ok fine

Tony: anyone coming with?

Addison: I'll come!

Mikayla: me too!

Taevion: yeah and me, I wanna make sure my little sis is ok

Tony: ok lets go then guys

Tony picks you up from the ground and then you, Taevion, Mikayla and Addison walk over to his car with him.
Tony opens the car door for you and helps you put your seatbelt on because you can't do it yourself.

Ray: thank you baby, I really do love you

Tony: I love you too babygirl, so much

Tony gives you a quick kiss before shutting your door and getting into the drivers seat.
Mikayla, Taevion and Addison are all sitting in the back

Addison: how are you not crying?

You giggle

Ray: I guess I'm just used to it, Taevion broke my arm when we were kids and from then on I was an accident pro, I was always breaking bones

Tony: that's true

He chuckles

Addison: wait Taevion broke your arm!!

Taevion: oops

Addison: you have to tell me the story!

Ray: ok, well um basically I was 8 and Taevion was 10, and obviously at the time Mikayla was 3. So we were all out swimming in the backyard because where we lived at the time had a pool; so I was running along side the pool and Taevion was in the pool, and well someone though it would be a good idea to push me onto the concrete and that's when my arm snapped

Tony: dang I never knew that

Ray: yep

Addison: that's crazy! Taevion oh my god I can't believe you did that!

Taevion: oops

They both laugh and you can see that Addison is blushing, she definitely likes him, but it's cute
You mouth to Mikayla to tell her to take a picture of them, so she does sneakily

Tony: we're here!

Ray: oh god here we go

Tony and the rest get out of the car but you can't open the door because of your arm so Tony comes over and helps you

Ray: I'm sorry

Tony: for what baby?

Ray: for not being able to open the door

Tony: oh don't be stupid babe, you can't help it

Ray: I guess

You giggle and he joins in

Tony: come on then, let's go

Tony helps you out of the car and then everyone walks into the hospital
You all walk up to the front desk and when the receptionist sees your arm her eyes go wide

Receptionist: Oh my lord! What did you do honey?

Ray: I kinda fell off of a trampoline

Receptionist: oh that looks bad, come on, we'll let you skip the waiting room, go over to room 57

Ray: ok thank you

Receptionist: let me catch your name quickly though so I can write it down

Ray: oh it's Ray

Receptionist: thanks darling, now go and get that arm sorted out

Ray: will do!

Tony: ok so room 57, that should be down the hall

After about 2 minutes of walking you all find your way to room 57, you knock the door and a doctor opens it

Doc: Oh hello, were you sent here?

Addison: yes we were, my friend has done something to her arm

Addison points to you and the doctor looks down at your arm

Doc: oh well you'd better come in, that looks nasty

You all walk into the room

Doc: please sit down everyone, there's enough chairs here

Everyone sits down and the doctor comes over to you

Doc: well we'll have to give you an X-Ray, from here the bone looks terribly broken, but we'll have to make sure that it is before we do anything

Ray: ok

Doc: have you ever broken a bone before?

Ray: yeah, many times

Doc: ok, so I don't have to go through the steps with you, Great

Everyone laughs

Doc: well I'll put you into the X-Ray room now and we can see what's up with that arm of yours

Ray: okie dokie

After the X-Ray because I'm lazy

You walk back out of the X-Ray room and back into the other room where the doctor, Tony, Addison, Mikayla and Taevion are

Doc: you feeling ok?

Ray: yep

Doc: you've got 2 broken areas on your bone, so we'll have to cast that arm up

Taevion: Thomas told you so sis

Ray: yep

Everyone laughs yet again

Ray: ok when am I gonna get the cast on then?

Doc: well I can do it right now!

Ray: oh ok!

Doc: what colour cast would you like?

Ray: umm, what do you guys think?

Addison: yellow!

Mikayla: yeah yellow!

Taevion: oh yellow would actually really suit you

Tony: I agree with them baby

Ray: ok yellow it is!

A/N: ok I'm stopping this chapter by here because I've got an idea for the next chapter! 💗 sorry if this one was a bit boring guys 😂 but it took me ages to write 😂

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