Part 11- NIKITA 🍍

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A/N: there's a song at the top, I'll let you know when to play it

Ray: Tony?

Tony turns and looks at you with a worried expression

Tony: yeah

Ray: umm can we go outside a sec, I need to talk to you

Tony: Uhh- yeah- sure

You and Tony get up and go outside onto one of the balconies of the house

Tony: listen Ray-

Ray: No Tony, I just wanna know who she is

Tony: she's Nikita

Ray: well no shit

Tony: she's my best friend, I've know her since we were little

Ray: oh

You look down,
He lifts your chin up

Tony: you know I love you Ray

Ray: But why did she ask who I was?

Tony: she's always been like it, I promise there's nothing between us

Ray: you promise?

Tony: yes, I promise

You both stand there in silence, looking out into the sky, stars are shining in your eyes, the moment is awkward, but it's nice, there's no worries.

??: TONY!!

You and Tony are brought out of the moment, your heads snap around and you see a girl, her body is just like a models and her face is beautiful

Tony: why are you here Nikita?

Oh so that's her, Nikita you thought to yourself

Nikita: to see you? Who is she?

She points to you and looks at you in disgust
You try to be nice

Ray: I'm Ray, nice to mee-

Nikita: yeah yeah I get it, thats enough now thanks

You look and Tony and he looks down, why was he being like this, normally he would never let anyone talk to you like that

Nikita: now come on baby

She grabs Tony's hand

Ray: baby? What the hell Tony?!

Tony: it's not what you think Ray I swear

Play the song at the top now

You look at him in disbelief

Ray: we're you lying to me all this time? You promised

You start to tear up

Nikita: oh are you sad I took your mans

Tony: Nikita, stop

Ray: it's not been me who's been making you happy all this time is it? It's her

Tony: please Ray, I'm sorry

Ray: I need to go Tony

A tear rolls down your cheek

Tony: please give me another chance! Let me explain!

He starts to cry a little and it breaks you more

Nikita: you have me Tony, you've been cheating on her for gods sake, leave her go, she's not worth it

Ray: she's right Tony, I'm not worth it, but obviously she is, I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough for you, I'm sorry that I couldn't give you what you wanted, go be happy with her, I mean she's gorgeous, I understand why you've been cheating, goodbye Tony, we're done, it's over

You walk past them and grab your stuff and run out of the house, you keep running, you don't know where you're going but you needed to get away from him

Tears are streaming down your face, how could he lie? How long has it been going on for? Why weren't you enough? Was it because you didn't look like her? Why did he do it? How could he say I love you when he didn't even mean it?

You can hear everyone calling out your name but you keep running, you run until your legs can't handle it anymore

You come to a stop near a large tree in a forest, your black slides down on it and you cry, you thought he loved you, but no matter what you couldn't be angry at him, a piece of your heart will always belong to him

Your phone starts to ring and you see it's Addison, so you pick up

Ray: Addy I'm fine, please leave me alone

Your voice cracks as you say those words

Addison: no you're not Ray, please tell me where you are

Ray: I can't Addy, I don't want to see him again, not yet, I need to get out of here I don't know where I'm gonna go but I need to go somewhere

Addy: please be safe Ray, I can't handle seeing you hurt like this

Ray: I promise I'll be ok, tell Tony I'm not mad, tell him I love him, but I just need to think, I want to know why he did it but I'm still not ready to hear it yet

Addy: I know, I never knew it was happening and I'm so mad at him for hurting you, just promise me you'll come back soon

Ray: I'll see Addy, but I'll keep in contact with you I promise, just don't tell anyone what I'm doing please, I need a break, I'm so broken

Addy: I won't, remember I love you, you didn't deserve it

Ray: I love you too, bye Addy

Addison: bye Ray

You hang up and cry more, you don't know if you're ever going to stop

A/N: so I had to add a little drama, not gonna lie, I cried writing this, I'm so emotional 😂 There will be an update soon, probably later on tonight! 💗

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