Secrets and idiots

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So, the winner for the poll I did was:

The Bakusquad finding out about Izuku!


"Bakugou!" Someone shouted, throwing open the classroom door, grinning widely at the explosive pomeranian sat at his desk.

Denki was grinning like an idiot as he ran over to Bakugou. This was the earliest he had ever arrived at class. He wanted to be there once and early so he could see Bakugou before class, after all, he had been kidnapped only days before.

However, he clearly wasn't the only one to have had this idea.

Mina stood next to Bakugou's desk, tears gathering in her black and yellow eyes, next to her was Sero and Kirishima, who was wiping soot off of his forehead.

"Dude," Sero muttered to him, "I told you trying to hug him was bad idea."

Even Jirou was there, looking like she was probably forced into it, judging by her expression, though even she seemed happy to have Bakugou back.

Denki walked up to Bakugou and reached out to poke the blond's chin. A small zap shot from his finger and Bakugou turned to glare at him.

"What the hell, sparky?"

Denki didnt stop grinning. "Sorry, I got excited. But you're back! You're okay!"

Bakugou just sighed and sat back in his seat. Kirishima gave him a sympathetic look as Bakugou just stared off into space.

Denki was worried, but he knew it probably wasn't anything to worry about. He had been kidnapped, so it was normal if he acted different afterwards, or Denki presumed it was at least.

It was like how he basically stopped talking for a week after his pet fish died. He had been sad. How was he supposed to know you weren't supposed to give your fish birthday cake? Though Kirishima had been really worried about him being so quiet.

Instead of talking to Bakugou, he started listening to Kirishima's story of the rescue. He told them about how they had disguised themselves and snuck through the streets, looking for the place he was being held.

When he got to the bit where they met up with the vigilantes, Bakugou left the room. Denki watched him as he left and saw the expression on his face. One of deep regret and guilt so he excused himself, claiming he needed the toilet, and followed him out.

Bakugou headed outside, to the field and sat down on the grass, staring straight ahead for a minute before pulling something from his pocket.

Denki walked up behind him, not making any effort to be silent, though Bakugou seemed to distracted to notice his approach anyway.

When he was stood directly behind him, he glanced over his shoulder st what he was holding.

It looked like a notebook. It had writing in it and drawings of various pro heroes, annotated with bits of support hear and info about their quirks. Who ever wrote it must be a big fan of heroes and quirks, so Denki doubted it was Bakugou's.

Bakugou spent a minute flipping through the pages, and Denki scanned each of them, hoping to see the owner's name somewhere, though he couldn't spot anything.

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