act one-scene one

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act one-scene one: my life gets a little more depressing

corresponding chapter: i accidentally vaporise my pre-algebra teacher

word count: 4441

pre-text author's note:

chapter one of my beautiful baby's story. i have so much planned for this you don't even know. please appreciate the pictures i put in here for you, i spent a very long time trying to find so many blue.

in which we learn that elle know what a capital letter is.


Listen to me. Listen closely. My life is not fun, It's just not.

If you're reading this, then there's a strong chance you've read my brother's book. What he said is true, and there's nothing else to say about it. Except that I am my own person with my own tale. And my own shit to deal with.

If you've ignored my brother's warning, you know what I'm about to say, and repetition is always a bit boring, so I'll spice some things up a bit. If you're a twin like me, you still have time to drop your device/book/magazine and leave. You're technically still safe. If not, if you still cling to the idea that this is fictional, then the world's your oyster. But please, keep the safety of yourself and others in mind as you continue. Most of the stuff you read won't be pretty and, if you're like me, you'll understand this sooner or later.

I refuse to be held accountable for your stupidity caused demise.


My name is Marielena Jackson.

I'm twelve years old and, until recently, I was a boarding student at Yancy Academy with my twin brother, Percy. Yancy Academy is a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York.

Am I a troubled kid?

Depends on what you mean by troubled, but, yeah, you could say that.

Pick any month from any year that comprises my short, miserable existence, and I could prove it to you. The worst of the bunch? Last May. The sixth-grade class was going on a field trip to Manhattan. To Percy and I, that's basically home turf. Basically, they took twenty-eight mental-case students and stuck them on a bus and sent them off to some museum.

Which, I'm now realising, is the basis of every school field trip to ever take place in the history of ever. Ever.

Mr Brunner, the Ancient History teacher, was leading the trip, so expectations were higher than normal.

Mr Brunner was Percy's favourite teacher. As in, of all time. His dramatic storytelling, laid back attitude, and collection of ancient weapons he possessed might've contributed to the bias, though.

Me? I liked him well enough. But he always smelled like coffee and alfalfa, an unpleasant mixture of smells, so I tried to keep my distance. Plus, he always gave me the sense that he was hiding something. Yes, I know, teachers have personal lives too. But it was a big something. Something like: 'By the way, I'm an undercover cop on a drugs bust.' Which is cool, y'know, but I would've liked to have known that before I made the joke to my brother about being drunk off of dihydrogen monoxide.

Either way, he was nicer than most teachers (certainly the least sexist of the bunch), so I tried my best to stay out of trouble. Percy was trying his hardest as well, which is always lovely.

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