Chapter one

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Mary P.O.V*

I woke up on a Monday morning trying to get ready for school even tho I barely got any sleep last night. lately I haven't got any much sleep since I've been stressed thinking about the election with Ririka on my side. 'ugh, I swear that girl never leaves me alone, all she does it lurk around in every corner she finds and follows me around even tho I told her to stop but her dumbass won't listen' I thought to myself while laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

I looked at the clock and it was 7:12. I went up to get my school uniform and started to get ready for school. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth, when I was done I went down to have some breakfast that my mom made me. When I was about to grab my bowl with rice I saw a note under it that my mom left me, it said 'good morning honey, Im sorry I had to run off a bit earlier today but I have a important meeting that I have to attend also I won't be home till 9pm so I left you some curry for dinner, love you from mom' I wasn't surprised, she often had to go to some important meetings early in the mornings but that never bothered me. I sat down on at our table and started eating when I was I washed my plate and went upstairs to my room and grabbed my bag and my keys. I locked the door and started walking towards the school. I usually take the train but it was such a nice weather out today so why not walking instead

When I arrived at the school the first thing that happen was Yumeko running towards me with the biggest hug and a smile on her face ''Hello Mary-san!'' ''Hey Yumeko'' I said while trying to get her off me ''Ready to go to class'' she said while pulling away and trying to hold my hand ''Yea but stop being so clingy its annoying'' I said while walking towards the class with Yumeko beside me with a grin on her face

After the first period was done I went to the bathroom to put some makeup on since I totally forgot to do it in the morning, when I was done and was about to leave I heard some quietly crying. I got curious and asked ''Hello? are you okay'' in a small soft voice. The crying quickly became silent. I started to push the doors in every stall to see if someone was in there. When I came to last one held on to the door trying to open it but as soon as I tried to open it someone locked it

''Hey don't worry I just wanna make sure you're okay'' I said while trying to open the door. To my surprise the door unlocked and in there was Ririka facing the ground with her mask on sobbing. I was so surprised to see her in this kind of state, I mean she's never shown any emotion or anything. Even tho I hated her I couldn't just stand there and watch her cry and do nothing. I grabbed some tissues that I had on me and gave it so her with a fake smile, she looked up and slowly reaching out with her hand grabbing the tissues. ''t-t-thank y-you'' she said while looking at me. I moved closer to her face snatching the mask of her while saying ''you won't be able to wipe you're tears while having you're mask on'' she faced me with a shocking look on her face while blushing. I then looked at her and realizing how beautiful
she was, I looked into her vulnerable eyes trying to say something but I just couldn't. Then I snapped out of it looking at her as she's wipping her tears of with a tissue "Is everything alright? It's unlike you to see you cry" i said in a soft tone. She looked up to me with a smile and said "n-no it's all fine. Just had a rough day" "look I know that I can be rude sometimes but if there's anything bothering you, you can say it to me" I said while blushing "thank you, b-but really. It's okay" she said while standing up and moving towards the exit and blushing. Before she had a chance to leave I grabbed her wrist "here's you're mask" I said while looking away and blushing even harder. "Thank you" she said while walking out. I stood there and watched her walk away with her silky long hair while putting her mask on adjusting her robotic voice.

I snapped out of it as soon as the door shut. 'I wonder why she was crying like that. It's sad to know that she has to wear that mask everyday with that creepy robotic voice. If only people could see how pretty she was'i thought to myself "what the heck is wrong with me?! Why do I even care about her" I said loudly while leaning over to a stall door.

(Yay, my first chapter is done :) not sure how I feel about it, its hard trying to think about ideas to write. lemme know what you think and if I should make a part 2)

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