Chapter seven

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Ririka's P.O.V*

I woke up with a pretty bad headache and feeling kinda sick. I looked around to see if Itsuki had some pain pills laying around but there was none so I just grabbed a glass and filled up with some water and drank it and went back to sofa. I heard a door open and then shut, it was Itsuki coming out from her room yawning and scratching her eye ''How are you feeling today?'' she said while trying to grab a glass without dropping it from all the yawning ''Not well, my head is aching and I'm feeling sick'' I said covering myself with a blanket. ''That's what'd you get from drinking too much'' she chuckled. ''I guess'' I said. ''Ugh, darn it. There's nothing to eat, I'll go out and get some food. Wanna tag along? I think It'll be good for you to get some fresh air'' she said while stretching her arms. ''Sure'' I said trying to get up.

When we both got ready we started heading to the store. After we bought some food we started walking back home. While walking home we chat-chatted with each other just to make the time pass quicker. ''What happen between you and Mary if you don't mind me asking'' Itsuki asked, I let out a sigh and said ''She kissed someone'' while looking down with a sad face. ''And who is this person?'' she asked while tilting her head ''Kirari'' I said. She then stopped and looked at me ''Oh no. Seriously? I refuse to believe that, it's not like Mary to do something like that. Y'know every time we hung around she'd always be talking about how special you were, Did you even give her a chance to explain what happen?'' she said. ''No and why does it really matter, she cheated on my with my sister that's it. She and me will never happen again'' I said in a sad way. ''You do you'' she said while started walking. While walking we spotted Mary walking towards us. I then looked at Itsuki and giving her a look trying to tell her to go the other way, before she even notice Mary was running towards us.

Mary's P.O.V*

I was out on a small walk trying to clear my mind of what happen yesterday when I then spotted Ririka walking with Ituski. At first I got confused but then snapped out of it. This is my only chance to talk to Ririka so without thinking I started running up to them. ''Hey Ririka, can we talk?'' I asked while looking into her baby blue eyes. ''No'' she said pretty straight forward ''Please this will only take a minute'' I said with a cracked tone. ''I said no, I don't ever want to see you again'' she said with tears in her eyes. ''Don't you get it? I love you Ririka and would never do anything to hurt you'' I said, tears beginning to start flowing down. She looked up to me with tears going down on her cheek, before she got to say anything Itsuki stepped in and said ''Back off, if she don't wanna talk then she doesn't wanna talk'' she said standing between me and Ririka. ''Lay off Itsuki, this is none of your business'' I said in a high tone ''Yes it is, she'll be living with me from now on so you should move on'' she said with dragging Ririka and started walking ''Hey, stop! I'm not don't talking yet'' I said while crying. They both ignored me and walked their way.

I just stood there watching them walk. Maybe she doesn't need me anymore. Is this what Ririka really wants? I started walking home feeling completely empty and hopeless. Maybe I should just die, I mean it's not like Ririka would care anyways. She's the purpose in my live, without her I'm nothing but a piece of junk. No, I can't think like that. It's not what Ririka would've wanted. I kept a promise to protect her no matter what. I don't care how me she hates me but I still have to live up to the promise I gave her. While walking I suddenly got a text from Yumeko, she asked if I wanted to go a cafe tomorrow. I answered with a yes, I mean its not like I have anything to do anyways.

I got home and took off my shoes and ran up to my room and crashed on my bed thinking about Ririka. If only she could understand my situation, she'd know. Before I even knew it I fell asleep. I woke up feeling empty but brushed it of knowing that I'll be seeing Yumeko. I got up and went down to the kitchen making myself some breakfast. After I finish I took my plate and watched it along with the other that were in the sink. When I was done I went to my room and changed to a black hoodie and ripped jeans, when I was done I got out and locked the house and starting heading to the location Yumeko told me the cafe was. When I got there I saw Yumeko standing outside waving at me ''Hello Mary! I'm happy to see you'' she said ''Yea yea, shall we go in or just stand here?'' I said. She grabbed my hand and lead me inside. We both ordered coffee. After getting our coffee's we went to a table and sat down and starting chatting. All I could think about was Ririka, Yumeko notice my sad face and asked me how I was doing, I let out a sigh and replied ''Me and Ririka are broken up'' I said looking down in my coffee. ''Aww that's too bad. I'm sure you'll find a way to get back with her'' she said while sipping her coffee. ''No, it's too late. She doesn't need me anymore'' I said while looking out the window. ''Aww okay, I understand'' she said.

We sat and talked for about 2 hours until we decided to go home. When we stood outside she hugged me and said ''Thank you for today, I had really fun with you Mary'' she said smiling. ''Yea, I guess I could say the same'' I said . We both went our separate way. Im actually feeling okay right now. While walking I saw Ririka walking towards me, when she notice me when immedatly turned around and started walking faster. I was about to to yell her name but then came to my senses that I need to leave her alone. I can't chase around her forever. She'll eventually find someone a lot better than me. While watching Ririka power walk I saw a car coming in a fast speed, I then peeked at Ririka and yelled ''Ririka you need stop!'' She ignored me and kept on walking. The car was coming closer and still didn't slow down. ''Ririka I'm serious stop or you'll get hit!'' I said while looking between Ririka and the car. Ririka stopped right in the highway and looked at me ''Ririka move!'' I said while rushing towards her. There's no way I'll let the car hit her. ''Ririka no!!!!!'' I said with tears in my eyes and pushed her to the side causing her to fall on the ground. ''Mary no, stop!'' she screamed. I got slammed to the ground. I tried looking around to see what happen but my vision got blurry. I started to lose conscious. I couldn't hear anything. Am I dead? is this what death feels like? last thing I saw was Ririka holding me and shaking me while crying uncontrollably. She's alive, I manage to save her. I kept my promise. Before I knew it I past out.

Ririka's P.O.V*

''Mary no, stop!'' I yelled as I saw her flew to the ground. I quickly got up and ran up to her trembling a bit. I couldn't help but start to cry uncontrollably ''Mary! please say something!'' I yelled while constantly shaking her. I screamed for help and told everyone near us to call 911. ''Mary, hey look at me everything is going to be alright okay'' I said while crying into her shoulder. ''Don't you dare die on me! I love you, I always have. So please just this once! stay, I need you'' I said while holding her tight to me. Soon the ambulance arrived. They picked her up and carried her into the car while I held onto her hand. When we got to the hospital they carried her into a room. They told me to wait outside, so I did. Tears have dried on my cheek. 'What have I done?' I asked myself 'If I wouldn't have been so selfish and just listen to her nothing of this would have happen, everything is my fault once again. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME'i thought. 

Hours past and Mary still hadn't got out out of surgery. Is she even alive at this point?

(Just quickly wanted to say that the next chapter will probably be the last one for this story uwu )

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