Chapter four

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Mary's P.O.V*

I woke up to my surprise Ririka was gone, I got up and tiptoed to her room so see if she was there, I slowly opened the door and there she was sleeping like an angel. I went down to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. When I was done I went into Ririka's room and tapped on her shoulder to wake her up, I tapped about four times but she didn't wake up 'Damn she's a heavy sleeper, but she's so cute when she's all relaxed' I thought while shaking her a bit, then after a while she finally got up. ''Good morning sleeping beauty'' I said with a soft smile on my face. She looked at me while blushing and said ''G-good morning'' while yawning. We both went down to the kitchen to eat. 

'I wonder if Ririka remembers anything from what happen yesterday' I asked myself. ''You okay?'' Ririka asked, I looked at her while blushing crimson red ''E-eh no, I'm just a bit tired.. hehe'' I said ''Oh okay'' she said while smiling with rice stuffed in her mouth. 'Auch... that hurts. Don't she remember what happen yesterday? Maybe she didn't mean it after all, maybe she only sees me as a friend' I thought to myself with a sad face. ''A-actually there is something, do you remember what happen yesterday?'' I asked with a crack in my voice, Ririka tilted her head and looked at me confused while blushing like crazy ''Not really, I remember getting into your room and dozing off, why so?'' she asked while blushing even harder ''Oh I-It's nothing'' I said with almost tears in my eyes. When we finished I took my plate and washed it. I went to room and changed into my school uniform and brushed my hair and teeth. When I got down to the door Ririka already stood there all ready with her bag. We got out and I locked the door. At this point I was too embarrassed to look her in the eyes, while walking together in an awkward silent she finally broke out and said ''Are you sure everything is fine?'' she asked in a concerned way. I didn't answer her, I just looked down with a sad face and bushed.

''Oh.. sorry for asking'' she said and looked away. When we arrived at school we went our separate way, I went to my class and she went to the student council's room as always. 'Maybe I was a bit too harsh on her? I mean she didn't do anything, maybe I hurt her for not speaking up. Ugh I'm so dumb honestly' I thought to myself while making my way to the class. Time flew by and school was over, me and Yumeko was about to go to our lockers before we heard yelling and screaming, we both looked at each other and then ran to where the screaming and shouting came from. When we got there, there was a lot of students surrounding something, I couldn't tell what it was so I tried to get closer. When I got so see what it was I was shocked to see Ririka and Kirari (President) yelling at each other. 

Before I could say anything Kirari pushed Ririka on the ground making her mask knock to the ground making a big crack outside of it. I yelled at Kirari telling her to stop, she looked at me with her eyes glowing dark blue saying ''Ohhhh? but we haven't even come to the fun part yet'' with a devilish smile on hers. I looked at her angrily with glowing eyes ''Stop it already! she's your sister!'' I yelled while rushing up to Ririka to see if she was okay ''Hey, are you okay?'' I asked Ririka, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said ''I-I'm s-sorry for d-dragging you into this'' she stumbles ''It's gonna be fine okay? I promise you'' I said while holding her close to me, suddenly Kirari came from the back and pushed me to the side. Kirari looked at Ririka with a evil smile and about so slap her, I got up and rushed to get and grabbed her wrist just it time ''ENOUGH!'' I screamed and looked at her with my yellow dark eyes ''Your suppose to be the president! the way you're acting right now is way out of your league!'' I yelled while still holding her wrist tight, ''Why do you even bother! this is none of your business!'' she yelled, ''This is my business, you can't keep on treating your sister like this, she moved out for this specific reason! you should have some more respect you dumb cow!'' I said, ''No please, don't'' Ririka said, I looked at her with a smile on my face and winked almost telling her that everything will be alright. ''What's with you being so attracted to my sister? she's just as useless like the house pets'' Kirari said while laughing, ''She's not useless, she's the most incredible and unique person I've ever met compared to you, She's nice, kind and actually cares about people, She's always there for people when they need her the most and if anything ever happen to her I would not be able to forgive myself because I love her!'' I screamed Kirari and the others looked and me shocked, Ririka looked at me with tears in her eyes ''D-do you r-really love me?'' she asked facing the ground. I looked at her and nodded. ''You should stop now whilst you still can'' I looked at Kirari with fire burning in my eyes, She looked at me and said ''You'll regret this'' while walking slowly to the student council's room. I then looked on the ground and let out a sigh. 

I went up to Ririka to see if she was okay, I sat down on my knees and before I could say anything she jumps into my arms making me fall back and smashes her lips against mine. I was shocked for a moment but didn't hesitate to kiss her back. Her lips were so soft, it tasted like cherry. I've wanted this moment to happen so bad and now it finally got to happen. Ririka leaped her arms around me hugging me tight, She then let go of of her lips and looked at me with her tears in her eyes and said ''I love you too'', she cried into my chest leaving a wet mark on my blouse ''Don't worry, together we can do anything'' I said while kissing her forehead holding her head against my heart and hugging her tight. 'I love this girl, I've always had. My heart belongs to her and no one else' I thought to myself with a smile on my face leaning my head to her shoulder and holding her close to me. 

(Yayyyyy chapter four complete, not sure if I should make this the final chapter or not. I will probably continue will the story but for now ill be taking a small break)

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