Chapter five

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(Just quickly wanted to say that I will be continuing this story, at first I wanted chapter four to be the last one but it felt a bit rushed so ill be continuing, I hope you guys enjoy this one) 

Mary's P.O.V*

It was only a few days left until it was summer break. Time flew by and soon Ririka moved in with me and my mom. It was like a small little family. Ever since that day when I told that I loved Ririka in front of the whole school I wanted her to just be mine, and only mine. I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, but maybe I was moving too fast?. Maybe she'd feel uncomfortable and that I would be pushing her?. 'Ughh why is this so complicated?!' I thought out loud'

I was laying on my couch trying to think of what to say. 'Maybe I should do one of those romantic stuff where I buy her some flower and a box of chocolate?' No no no, that's too basic. I want her to feel special. Maybe I should just straight up ask her. I didn't have the time to think right now since the school was about to start within 30 minutes so I had to get my ass going. I called Ririka down and told her that we had to leave or else we're gonna be late. She came down rushing still trying to put her blouse on.  When she was done we got out and I locked the door. While walking to school I tried building up some courage to ask her. Why is it so hard? I should just go for it before its too late. ''Ririka?'' I said with a small tone. ''Yes?'' she said ''S-so I-I was wondering if you wanted t-'' I got cut off by some old lady approaching me and Ririka asking where the train was. I pointed on the highway as I told her what way to go, the old lady thanked us and went off. 'I can't believe this was the very chance I had to ask Ririka to be my girlfriend and then an old lady is ruining it?! I mean honestly cmon' I thought angrily. ''So what did you wanted to ask me?'' Ririka ask while tilting her head. ''Oh u-urm it was nothing really'' I said laughing awkwardly. 

''Oh okay'' Ririka said smiling at me. When we arrived at school I hugged Ririka before heading to my class, when I let go of her she grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to her giving me a kiss on my cheek while blushing. I looked at her shocked and blushed. ''Have a nice day Mary, ill see you after school'' she said running off and blushed. I just stood there blushing and smiled touching my cheek with my hand 'Wow, she just kissed me. SHE'S SO CUTE AHH!!!' I thought while smiling. I snapped out of my dreaming zone when I heard Yumeko yelling at me ''Hello Mary, are you coming? The class is about to start'' She said while grabbing my hand leading me to the class ''Yes I am!, now let go of me'' I said shaking my hand off hers. 

Anyways school finished and Ririka was standing outside the school as usual waiting for me. I went to my locker grabbing my back and changing my shoes. I closed my locker and just when I was about to leave, Yumeko came running up to me ''Hey Mary! You should ask Ririka to be your girlfriend'' Yumeko said in a loud tone ''Hey! keep it down will ya! also that's none of your business'' I said being annoyed ''Awww, cmon. We both know you like her, actually no. You love her so why not take the chance whilst you still can?'' she said with her eyes glowing. I faced the ground while blushing ''Just admit it'' Yumeko said ''Fine! I love her! so what, maybe she'll think I'm I going too fast and then she'll reject me'' I said still blushing. ''You'll never now if you  don't ask her, anyways bye Mary! I'm gonna go and hangout with Ryota'' She said while running off and waving at me ''Hey wait!'' I yelled but she was already gone. 'I guess she's right, it's better to have it done' I told myself while letting out a sigh. I met Ririka out side and hugged her ''Ready to go'' she asked ''Yea'' I said. While walking home I tried to think of how to ask her. I sighed 'Here's go nothing I guess' I told myself. ''H-hey Ririka remember when I tried to ask you something earlier today and I got cut of by that old lady?'' I asked her in a shaky voice ''Yes I do?'' she asked confused ''W-well what I wanted to ask you was u-urm d-do you wanna b-'' I got cut off by Ririka. She held my and and said ''Don't worry, take your time'' she said with a smile, I let out a sigh and said ''Ririka, do you wanna be my girlfriend?'' while looking at her and blushing. She stood there speechless trying to analyze what I just said ''Im so sorry! Sorry if I'm pushing you! if your not ready then I'm 100% okay with and ill be waiting for you'' I said looking down and blushing. Ririka then wrapped her arms around me and said ''Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend'' she said in a soft voice. 

I sighed while hugging her back. It felt like a weight losing up from my body was all gone. 'Was it really that easy' i asked myself. ''I love you'' Ririka said while holding my hand tight ''I love you too'' I said with relief. We walked home and cooked some dinner together and enjoyed it while watching a move together. The night went on and we both fell asleep on the couch with our arms wrapped around each other.

Days went by and it was finally the last day of school, The day was pretty short so I decided to wait for Ririka this once since she's always waiting for me and she probably have a lot to take care of today. While leaning over the Student Council's door some students of my class came up running to me giving me some sort of letter. It was an invitation to a party late this afternoon to celebrate the last day of school. They also told me that I could bring whoever I want, and then they left of. At first I thought it was pretty silly but then I thought why not, I mean it is the last day of school after all and I won't see some of my friends for a while since they're probably be going on a vacation. I should probably ask Ririka if she wants to go too. Time went by and Ririka came out of the student councils room and I immidetly hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She hugged me back and said ''Ready to go home? '' with a smile her on face. ''Yes'' I said while grabbing her hand and exiting school ''Oh by the way, I got an invitation to a party this afternoon. Feeling like going maybe? we can stay at home and watch a movie or something if you don't feel like too'' I said ''Mhm, sure I mean what can go wrong at party'' she said looking a bit excited. ''Awesome, it says it starts at 8pm so make sure to be ready by then'' I said smiling peacefully. ''Okay'' Ririka said.

Little did I know that stuff was gonna go down hill at that party, after what happen I wish I never got that invitation...

(ouhhhh....... what's going to happen at the party?? stay tuned for the next chapter because its going to be a spicy one I hope)

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