XIV: Brother

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I walked to class on my own for once. I bumped into someone, knocking the books in their hands on the ground. I turned around to see a lean boy with white hair crouched down.

" Here," I said, picking up a book," Let me help."

He looked up at me with sapphire eyes and said, " Thanks."

I picked up a book titled " Cancer Types and Treatment". I furrowed my eyebrows and gave the book back to him.

" Are you pre-med?" I asked curiously.

" No," he replied, " I was diagnosed with leukemia."

" I'm sorry," I consoled.

" Don't worry," he assured, " They caught it early, so there's hope. I'm Alexander."

" I'm Luna," I introduced, " Where are you heading off to?"

" I'm meeting my sister," he answered, standing up, " She should be-"

" Alex!" Savannah exclaimed, smiling until she saw me, " Why are you here?"

" She was just helping me," Alexander replied before turning to me, " I'll see you later."

They both turned and walked away, but not before Savannah gave me a confused look. My vision went dark as I felt a breath by my ear.

" Guess who?" Wolf exclaimed. I giggled and turned around to wrap my arms around his frame. He grinned and nuzzled my neck, his hair tickling my neck and chin. I gripped his white and light blue hoodie so that I didn't fall over.

" How are you, little doe?" he cooed, squishing my cheeks a bit.

" I'm good," I answered.

" Are you free today?" he asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

" Yeah, I don't have any more classes today."

He grinned as we walked off of campus. He took me to an empty park with a playground set on a hill that looked over the town. He led me over to the swings, sitting me down before he got behind me and started to push me. I swung my legs happily as we played on the swings, the wind gently blowing on my face. Soon, midday became evening. He suddenly started to slow me down until he stood in front of me. He held onto the chains of the swing, pulling me closer and leaning down until our noses brushed.

" So innocent," he muttered before pressing his lips against mine. Oddly enough, it was slow and soft. I kissed back and shivered from the wind, causing him to pick me up by the waist. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he carried me. He pulled away and nuzzled my neck, giving it some nips and licks.

The next day, we headed off to Becker Labs with the Animal Club. Becker was Savannah's and Alexander's family name, so of course, they came along as well. So far, Savannah was pretty tame during the ride there. Not one flirtatious comment to the boys nor a snarky remark to me. She was just...empty.

We were greeted by the director of the labs upon our arrival. Alastair held my hand gently in his as he approached us.

" Welcome, everyone!" he announced, " I am excited to show you the wolves we have here at the facility. I am Dr. Heath Becker, the director of the facility. Now, if you all follow me."

He led us inside a large, grey building. Several scientists in white lab coats ran about the lobby. Dr. Becker took us to the hall on the right. The hall was completely made out of windows that displayed a green forest. Something black darted out from the trees until a large black wolf appeared in front of us. They locked eyes with me, stepping closer cautiously. My vision blurred as I heard a voice in my head.

" Mate to the Naga brothers," it said, male.

W-What's this? W-Who are you?

" Beware the boy. Protect your mates and the forest. The world mustn't know of your existence."

" Luna?" Alastair asked, distressed, " Are you okay?"

" Y-Yeah," I stammered. The wolf continued to stare as more came out. A white wolf nudged the black wolf's neck with their snout, trying to get their attention. I looked at Savannah, who seemed sad when looking at the wolves.

When we took a break for lunch, Savannah pulled me aside.

" Yes?" I asked.

" My brother," she said, " Did he tell you that he has cancer?"

" Yeah," I replied, " I saw one of his books."

She let out a sigh, " He was always so energetic. Every time the doctors tell him to rest, he does the opposite. He's going to stay at the school, so watch out for him, okay?"

I nodded and she smiled at me before leaving. Hawk found me and came towards me, concerned.

" Are you okay, Luna?" he asked, placing a hand on my upper arm.

" Yeah, I'm fine," I replied. He bit his lip nervously, making me tilt my head in confusion. He suddenly pressed his lips against mine quickly before pulling away, turning beet red.

" S-Sorry..." he stammered. I giggled and cupped his cheeks.

" Aww, my shy boy!" I cooed before kissing him softly. He stepped closer so that I could wrap my arms around his neck, letting him rest his hands on my waist. He pulled away, panting.

" C-Can we go on a date tonight?" he asked. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

" Of course," I replied.

He grinned and nuzzled my neck affectionately. Before I returned to the group, I received an email from my Graphic Design teacher.

To Luna Winters,

I have organized the art exhibition in a few months for the top students in the class. When you return on Monday, see me for the details.

From, Professor Holland

I grinned when I read the message. Professor Holland said that at the end of the year, the best students in the class get to present their work at an art exhibition to other artists and art critics. And, I already know what I want to present.

I returned to the group with some time left to spare. Alistair wrapped an arm around my waist once I sat down. He gave me a tray with a chicken sandwich, fries, and lemonade.

" Hey, Al," I greeted, " Holland said that my work is going to be in the art exhibition."

" That's great!" he congratulated, " Can I see your work?"

I giggled and kissed his cheek, " Not telling you!"

To explain why I was on such a long break, it was...

Final exams+trying to stay somewhat sane+preparing for a new book that will replace The Kings' Mate+writer's bloc=2 month break

Now, I do have a question for you all.

Do you want mature scenes? I've been a bit hesitant about this since chapter 10, so I want your imput.

I'll also post a short chapter explaining snakes as well since a lot of you have questions too.

But, I hope you all have a good day!

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