Chapter 126 - New Motivation

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A New Fairy Tail Legend

Chapter 126 - New Motivation

The kidnapppers were defeated and the child was saved. Natsu, Happy, and Erza chose to take the child and bring the child back to the parents.. Gray, Wendy, and Lucy chose to take me home to tend to my needs.

Everyone walked together as Gray carried me with one arm under my legs and one arm around my back.

I was unconscious. I felt embarrassed. I was sad.

I fainted again, in front of my friends.

What was I thinking? Thinking that I was going to be able to ignore Rose's voice and forget everything that happened to me in the past. What a terrible thought.

I was just being selfish. I thought that I would just handle everything by myself, but I was wrong.

I became overconfident.


Moments later..

I slowly woke up as I found myself in my room. Gray, Lucy, and Wendy were standing beside my bed, sighing with relief.

"You're awake!", Lucy said with a smile.

I placed my hand on my head, "I'm sorry....I'm sorry I caused a scene.."

Wendy shook her head, "Don't worry about it, Melanie."

I slowly sat up, thankful that the pain of my headache vanished. I slowly smiled, "Thank you, Wendy, for healing me."

She blushed with a smile, "No problem!"

I kept smiling, "Thank you to you two as well, Gray. Lucy."

Lucy nodded with a smile as Gray just nodded.

"No need to worry about me anymore! I'll go back to Fairy Tail tomorrow with no pain!", I said forcing a smile.

"Melanie, stop," Gray said sternly.

I removed my smile and looked at him.

"Gray?", Lucy asked.

He clenched his fists, "Stop faking a smile. I know that you are lying."

I looked down. Ugh...I knew that he knew all along...what was I thinking? This act of mine is so stupid.

"Even though I wasn't with you this whole time, you act the same as Rose. You both try your best to not show any weakness. However, when you do that, you always get into trouble."

I clenched my blanket within my hands. What he's saying is true....

"Melanie....we are your friends right?"

I looked at him as he looked at me with serious eyes. With that look he was giving me, all I was feeling was guilt. Terrible guilt.

"If we are your friends, why don't you tell us what is bothering you?", he continued.

I looked to the side and found Wendy and Lucy looking at me with worried looks in their eyes.

I was silent.

"Melanie...", Gray spoke softly.

I had a moment to gether my thoughts and then I spoke, "I...I have been getting nightmares about Rose."

"Rose?", Gray asked.

"I think she's in trouble. I keep hearing her voice, calling my name, begging for me to save her. In my dream, I saw her tied against a wall, her magic slowly draining out, rainbow tears falling from her eyes. All of seems so real..."

"Why didn't you tell us?", Lucy asked.

"I....I became selfish. I chose not to fall into situations where I have to help people by sacrificing my life. I already went through a bunch of terrible situations in the past. I don't want to go through them again!"

"But, Melanie! Rose is in trouble! Rose is your other half! You have to save her!", Wendy spoke with power in her voice.

"I know that..but...", a tear fell from my eye, "I'm scared...."

It was silent as they watched me cry.

"I'm scared...that I would have to sacrifice my life and that everything will change all over again."

"Isn't that what it takes to save someone you love?", Gray asked.

Lucy, Wendy and I looked at him.

"Isn't that what you did when Rose was still within you?"

I tried to figure what he was talking about.

"When you were going to leave us and go to the Spirit World. We said goodbye to you on the hill. You sacrificed your life on Earth to protect us from the Spirit World. You sacrificed your life on Earth to protect Fairy Tail, us, the people you love."

What he said struck me....I really did sacrifice my life for everyone because I loved them. I wasn't scared because it gave me the opportunity to save everyone.

I forgot how important saving people I loved was.

I placed my hands on my face. I'm an idiot....

"You're right! You're right!", I started to cry, "I'm sorry! I didn't realize how selfish I became!" I calmed down and removed my hands showing my tear streaked face, "Rose is my other half. I have to protect her and save her!"

Gray placed a hand on my shoulder with a smile, "You're not alone."

My eyes widened with surprise as he made his other hand into a fist and placed it over his heart, "We are right here."

He said that to me a long time ago when we were on our way to finding my Aunt Claire.

I wasn't sure if I could fight her. Gray made sure that I believed I could by letting me believe that everyone was right by my side.

He did the same thing....

I made a smile, "You're right!"

Lucy and Wendy smiled with a nod as Gray did the same. Lucy and Wendy placed their hands on my shoulder as well as I happily placed my hand on top of theirs, "You are all right here with me."

We all smiled.

Finally....a true smile... " Gray thought.


The next day...

With a new goal...a new perspective...a new motivation..

I walked into Fairy Tail, ready to face one last journey.

Everyone already gathered around the table greeted me with a smile, "Melanie! We heard about Rose," Natsu said as he walked towards me.

I nodded, "I'm sorry I never told you."

Natsu shook his head, "We're glad you did and that you're okay."

I nodded with a smile.

"So, what are we doing first, Melanie?", Erza asked.

I was confused, "What?"

"This is your goal, we are to follow you to save Rose. We should listen to you now," she added.

I appreciated what she said but I shook my head, "No."

Everyone said, "What?"

I smiled, "We are working together. Like we always have."

Everyone grew a smile along with mine.

"We will save Rose together!", I raised my fist in the air as everyone did the same.

My decision has been made. I'm going to save a person I love.

But, I'm not sacrificing my life. I'm going to save her and I won't let anymore chaos happen anymore.

I will FIGHT.

A New Fairy Tail Legend (ANFTM Series) - Volume 5 (FINAL)Where stories live. Discover now