Chapter 7: Don't Leave Me..

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(A/N: Woot woot, another update! I lied when I said I was gonna make short chapters, you guys deserve these long ones. ❤️😁 Sad Chapter though ;( )

3rd POV

1 Week Time Skip

Uenoyama and Mafuyu casually strolled through the city (city? suburb?) "It's getting a bit chilly out now that it's fall." Uenoyama pointed out. Mafuyu nodded in response and just continued straight ahead. Mafuyu hasn't spoken a word since they've left the Studio after 4 long hours of practice. He was still seeing traces of Yuki as they walked, distracting him from reality and Uenoyama. 

"Mafuyu~ Wait for meee" Uenoyama said in a soft tone while speed walking to Mafuyu. "Mafuyu, is there anything you want?" Asked the black-haired boy while looking at all the stores. Mafuyu clearly haven't heard him. "Mafuyu?" He asked again. "Mafuyu! Careful car!-" Just then a car speeded past Mafuyu who was about an inch away from getting hit. "Mafuyu!" Uenoyama pulled the stunned boy aside. "HEY WATCH IT YOU KID!" The driver yelled as he continue speeding ahead. "What the hell was that?!" Uenoyama asked angrily. "S-sorry..I was just thinking about Yuk- where I wanted to take us to eat out at. "Bullshit! Can you actually pay attention to the present?! Yuki isn't here anymore!"

Mafuyu's POV

"...Yuki isn't here anymore!" Uenoyama's words repeated in his head. Uenoyama said Yuki's name as if it was a sin. I completely froze, biting my lower lip. I finally get it, Yuki is the only imperfect part of me. He was a sin, and I was his sin. But hearing it from Uenoyama made me feel even worse.

"Why do you keep bringing him up?! He's gone and in the past!" He shouted angrily. The second he shut his mouth, blood gushed out of my lower lip. But Uenoyama, too stubborn to care, continued to rant. "Look at me! Do you even love m-" "DON'T TELL ME WHO OR HOW TO LOVE!!" 

3rd POV

"DON'T TELL ME WHO OR HOW TO LOVE!!" Mafuyu bitterly spat out. "IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY THAT!" He shouted as he wiped the dripping blood. "You think it's EASY to just get over someone you loved so quickly?! I spent my whole life with him, from the beginning to the end!" Tears dripped down Mafuyu's face that was scrunched up. Hearing those words angered Uenoyama even more, "Fine! Then let's just break off this shorty relationship! Feelings are mutual, crawl back to his fucking grave and give him a fucking kiss on the head!" Uenoyama shouted without thinking, causing everyone around them to quiet down. Mafuyu was broken and saddened. "Where's all of this coming from.." Mafuyu quietly said. 

Uenoyama turned away in a hurry, full of hatred. "U-uenoyama.." Mafuyu slowly stumbled towards the taller boy. "DO YOU HATE ME?!?!" He cried, causing Uenoyama to stop in his tracks. "A-are you going to leave me h-here..?" Mafuyu drooped to his knees, causing even more people to crowd around them. But Mafuyu simply didn't care. "How could that guy just leave this poor thing here??" "How can he just walk away like that?!" "The poor kid is bawling his eyes out!" People whispered, some voices pitying Mafuyu, some encouragement, and some judging him. "D-Don't text or call me anymore, you should consider your leave from the band. 

" should consider your leave from the band." Those words shocked Mafuyu even more. "I-is that how little you think of me..? You think I would just leave like that? Do you really not trust me..?" Mafuyu rasped. Uenoyama clenched his fists, holding back crystal clear tears, but failing to hold back one tear that fell onto the cold concrete. "I-I'm leaving." 

"Don't leave me.." Mafuyu stood up from his kneeling and ran towards Uenoyama. He harshly took a hold of Uenoyama's hand, causing Uenoyama to yank it back. "LET GO OF ME!-" Mafuyu's hand quickly traveled across Uenoyama's face, causing a loud smack. "U-Uenoyama..I-I'm sorr-" He stopped speaking when he saw the look of disgust on Uenoyama's face. This time, Uenoyama really did walk away, his figure blurry as he walked farther away. The crowd broke up, still, some kept their eyes on the helpless boy. "Please don't leave me...don't go..don't go don't go don't go. 

"Please don't leave me.."

(A/N: Sorry, I made Uenoyama a jErK. Was it kinda sad? Or was it too over dramatic?

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